Sermon: “Reconnecting, Actually”
Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
Focus this week on the idea that Jesus is saving the people “from” their sins. What does it mean to be saved from our sins? Are we being saved from our sinful impulses? From the effects of the sins of others? From the sins of the Roman elite on the people? What does it mean to actually “be” saved from sin? How does it change how we see the world, how we live our lives, and how we relate to others?
Join us for worship on Sunday, December 22nd at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service. We will celebrate the fourth and final Sunday of Advent.
Christmas Joy Offering
Sunday, December 22nd: During worship we will collect the Christmas Joy Offering. We’ll tell you more about the offering on the Sundays in December leading up to the 22nd. Also, please remember to bring your poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary for the fourth Sunday of Advent and for our Christmas Eve service.
The Advent Meditations Booklet are here.
Every year we look forward to reading the meditations written by members and friends of the church as they reflect on the daily scriptures during Advent. Make sure you get your copy!
Christmas Eve Service
Our Christmas Eve service will be in the sanctuary at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 24th. Children are welcome to attend the service, but child care for infants and children 5 and under will be available.
January 12th – Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers presentation at CHPC
Boston Presbytery is in its first year as a site for the Young Adult Volunteer program of the PC(USA). Four talented “YAVs” are spending the year working with area congregations and non-profit organizations on the theme of “Food Justice” and will visit CHPC on Sunday, January 12th. In addition to participating in worship, they will make a presentation after the service about the YAV program in general and specifically their food justice work – from local food banks to global food security issues. Lunch will be provided, so please plan to come, invite friends and learn more about the combined efforts and important ministry of the YAVs. For any questions, please contact Ruth
The Annual Meeting is coming!
Mark your calendars now, for Sunday, January 26th (with a snow date of February 2nd.) We will hold our congregational meeting in the basement, immediately following the service. It includes a potluck lunch. This is the time to hear reports from our pastor and from various committees about the work of the church during the past year, as well as having a chance to elect elders, deacons, and officers of the congregation.