Oct 26, 2013 Announcements

Nave Music Series:  Jazz pianist Angelica Sanchez and guitarist

Saturday, October 26th at 8:00 p.m.:  Nave Music Series:  Jazz pianist Angelica Sanchez and guitarist Omar Tamez, with special guest Jorrit Dykstra.  Suggested donation $15.  For more info, see:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1406889966207073/.

Sunday Worship

Sermon:   “Making ‘I’ Contact”

Luke 18:9-14;   Isaiah 1:10-18

In preparing for this week’s readings, it is good to know that the traditional way to pray in the Jewish temple was to stand with one’s head and eyes looking up to God with hands raised – which is what the Pharisee is doing – and doing it in a public way.   Who was he talking to?  Notice the body language of the tax collector!   Where was he standing?   Who was the tax collector talking to?  Similar to last week’s gospel lesson, this passage is also about prayer, but it is also about making connections, and it is the lesson preparing us for the real-life encounter in Luke 19 between Jesus and Zaccheus (next week’s gospel story).

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

the 6th annual Wrap Around

Attention all Knitters, Crocheters, and Stitch-makers!

The Nave Gallery is seeking knitted, crocheted, and sewn donations of gloves, hats, bags, blankets, decorative pieces, etc., for the 6th annual Wrap Around, our sale of affordable handmade goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition (SHC). Last year we raised almost $3,000 for SHC. Can we hit $5,000 this year? Please include your name and contact info with your donation so that we can thank you, and a list the materials used (e.g. wool, cotton, etc.).

Donations can be dropped off from October 26-Nov 8 at:

Nave Gallery, 155 Powderhouse Blvd, Somerville

Nave Gallery Annex, 53 Chester St, Somerville

Blue Cloud Gallery, 713 Broadway Ave, Somerville

Magpie, 416 Highland Ave, Somerville

SCATV, 90 Union Square, Somerville

Looking for a knitting/crocheting circle to join? Check out Knit & Sip Crochet Soirees, our twice-monthly meetup group, for some conversation and craft.

If you have any questions, contact Tori Costa at tori [dot] costa [at] gmail.com. Items not sold during the sale will be donated to the Somerville Homeless Coalition.

Nave Music Series: Improvise, Hypothesize and Otherwise

Friday, November 1st at 8:00 p.m.: Nave Music Series: Improvise, Hypothesize and Otherwise: An exploration of new music and performance. Featuring Joe Burgio and Paul Kafka-Gibbons, dance; Ricochet (Steve Norton, reeds and misc., Noell Dorsey, voice), Tom Plsek and Randy Pingree trombone duo, Lee Todd Lacks, poetry,Tom Swafford, violin and Steve Norton,celeste. Special guests: David Pate, saxophonist from Tampa, FL, and two time national champion and Croquet Hall of Famer Bob Kroeger. For more info, see  https://www.facebook.com/events/1406889966207073/.

Nave Music Series: “In the Jerusalem Hills”

Saturday, November 2nd at 8:00 p.m: Nave Music Series: “In the Jerusalem Hills” features voice, movement, cymbals, flute and synth sounds with Leah Hennessy, Melissa Huser, Matt Samolis and Peter Gumaskas. For more info, see https://www.facebook.com/events/1406889966207073/.

The Installation Service of Rev. Fairfax

We have a date for the installation service of Rev. Fairfax, so mark your calendars! The service will be at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary on Sunday, November 3rd, with a reception to follow. Please contact Ellen at ellends1313@gmail.com if you would like to help with food, decorations, set up or any other aspect of the reception. The installation service marks the official beginning of Allen’s ministry with us. It will include members of the Presbytery of Boston, as well as those who have been important to Allen in his faith journey and his pastoral career. All are welcome and we hope you will join us!

Session Meeting

On Monday, November 4th at 7:30 p.m., the Session will meet.

CHPC Men’s Bible Study

The new CHPC Men’s Bible Study takes place every second Wednesday at Panera’s Bread at Porter Square. Our next meeting is on November 6th at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre for more details.

The Horizons Bible Study

The Horizons Bible Study group will meet on Friday, November 8th at 3:30 p.m. at the home of a church member. For more information, please contact Salam.(salamlebbos@hotmail.com)

A Thanksgiving for Veterans’ Dinner and Concert

Saturday, November 9th, 6-10pm – ‘A Thanksgiving for Veterans’ dinner and concert!

Please join us for an evening of entertainment, to give thanks for our veterans and to support the work of two important local organizations – the Somerville Homeless Coalition and the Volunteers of America’s new Massachusetts Bay Veteran’s Center opening in Somerville. CHPC and the Nave Gallery are co-sponsoring this public event that is FREE for veterans and their families.  For all others, tickets will be available at the door, with a suggested donation of $20 for dinner and the concert (or $10 for either dinner or the concert). Dinner will be available from 6-7:30pm and the concert will kick off at 8pm, featuring music by Lenny Solomon. If you would like to volunteer to help with set up or during the event or if you have any questions, please contact Ruth Allen at ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com   More information and to share the event with friends, go to: http://navegallery.org/wp/a-thanksgiving-for-veterans/

Nave Gallery Music Series:  The New England Tuba Quartet

Saturday, November 16th at 7:00 p.m. Nave Gallery Music Series:  The New England Tuba Quartet – exploring the theme of Wrap Around.  For more info, see http://navegallery.org/wp/the-new-england-tuba-quartet-concert/.

Prayer Group

There will be a prayer meeting in the Green Room right after coffee hour on Sunday, November 17th. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Oct 19, 2013 Announcements

Sunday Worship

Sermon:  “What’s In a Name?”

In the lesson from Luke, we find a judge who resists the pleas of a widow for help against someone who is exploiting her situation.   What does this story tell us about what it means to be faithful Christian?   Why did the judge finally give in to her requests (hint:  the literal translation from the Greek for “wearing out the judge” is “giving me a blackeye”)?  Jacob, in our story from Genesis, also fought with an adversary for a blessing, and through his efforts, received a new name.   What name are we growing into as we walk (and strive) with God?

OT Lesson:   Genesis 32:22-31

NT Lesson:  Luke 18:1-8

Call to worship:  Psalm 121

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 20th at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Prayer Group

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, October 20th in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Nave Music Series:  Jazz pianist Angelica Sanchez and guitarist Omar Tamez

Saturday, October 26th at 8:00 p.m.:  Nave Music Series:  Jazz pianist Angelica Sanchez and guitarist Omar Tamez, with special guest Jorrit Dykstra.  Suggested donation $15.  For more info, see:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1406889966207073/.

6th Annual Wrap Around

Attention all Knitters, Crocheters, and Stitch-makers!

The Nave Gallery is seeking knitted, crocheted, and sewn donations of gloves, hats, bags, blankets, decorative pieces, etc., for the 6th annual Wrap Around, our sale of affordable handmade goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition (SHC). Last year we raised almost $3,000 for SHC. Can we hit $5,000 this year? Please include your name and contact info with your donation so that we can thank you, and a list the materials used (e.g. wool, cotton, etc.).

Donations can be dropped off from October 26-Nov 8 at:

Nave Gallery, 155 Powderhouse Blvd, Somerville

Nave Gallery Annex, 53 Chester St, Somerville

Blue Cloud Gallery, 713 Broadway Ave, Somerville

Magpie, 416 Highland Ave, Somerville

SCATV, 90 Union Square, Somerville

Looking for a knitting/crocheting circle to join? Check out Knit & Sip Crochet Soirees, our twice-monthly meetup group, for some conversation and craft.

If you have any questions, contact Tori Costa at tori [dot] costa [at] gmail.com. Items not sold during the sale will be donated to the Somerville Homeless Coalition.

Installation Service of Rev. Fairfax

We have a date for the installation service of Rev. Fairfax, so mark your calendars! The service will be at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary on Sunday, November 3rd, with a reception to follow. Please contact Ellen at ellends1313@gmail.com if you would like to help with food, decorations, set up or any other aspect of the reception. The installation service marks the official beginning of Allen’s ministry with us. It will include members of the Presbytery of Boston, as well as those who have been important to Allen in his faith journey and his pastoral career. All are welcome and we hope you will join us!

The Horizons Bible Study

The Horizons Bible Study group will meet on Friday, November 8th at 3:30 p.m. at the home of a church member. For more information, please contact Salam.(salamlebbos@hotmail.com)

A Thanksgiving for Veterans Dinner and Concert

Save the Date! Saturday, November 9th, 6-9pm – A Thanksgiving for Veterans dinner and concert. This is a collaboration between CHPC, the Nave Gallery and the Volunteers of America veterans support organization currently housed at CHPC. Please mark your calendars and we’ll get more details out soon!

Sept 29, 2013 Announcements

Sunday Service

Sermon – “Longing for Food, Longing for Life”

Luke 16:19-31; First Timothy 6:6-19

The lectionary brings us this week to the gate of a rich man where we find another man named Lazarus (whose name means “God has helped”).  In the New Revised Standard Version, the translation reads that Lazarus “longed to satisfy his hunger” from the leftovers at the rich man’s table.   Luke uses this same Greek phrase to describe the hunger of the prodigal son in Luke 15:16, and both phrases and contexts suggest Jesus is certainly talking about real physical hunger, but something else as well. What is it that all of us, even those of us who are well fed, “long to satisfy” in our daily lives – be it emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc?   What kind of life does God want us to engage and embrace, both as individuals and in our common life together?  Why is the sharing and consumption of food such an important way of enacting and celebrating God’s presence?

Join us for worship on Sunday, September 29th at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

World Communion Sunday

On Sunday, October 6th, we will celebrate Communion with other Christians around the world on World Communion Sunday. We will also collect the Peacemaking Offering. This year’s verse for the offering is from 2 Thessalonians 3:16 “…Peace in all times in all ways.” During the next few weeks, the Mission Focus time in the service will show how your gifts to the offering are used in a variety of peacemaking efforts at all levels of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Fred Bahnson Spiritual Book Talk

At noon on Sunday, October 6th we will host Fred Bahnson, the Director of the Food, Faith and Religious Leadership Initiative at the School of Divinity at Wake Forest University.  He will do a short talk on his book, SOIL AND SACRAMENT: A Spiritual Memoir of Food and Faith, followed by brief reading, then a question and answer session. Copies of his book will be available for sale. Join us for this lively and informal gathering to hear more about the intersection about faith and food in our lives.  All are welcome – invite you friends and neighbors!

String Theory Benefit Concert

Come hear Clarendon Hill’s Jennifer Herzig play with her string quartet, String Theory, as they perform a benefit concert, along with Hanna’s Hearts of Hope. All net proceeds go to Make-A-Wish Foundation (Massachusetts and R.I.) The 2:00 p.m. concert on Sunday, October 6th, in the church sanctuary, will be followed by a silent auction and a reception. They will be performing Ravel’s String Quartet, jazz arrangements by Chris Welch and will have duets with Hanna. Tickets for adults are $12.00 in advance ($15.00 at the door) and $5.00 for kids. For advance tickets, please go to www.jenaestarikov.com.

HONK! Parade

Sunday, October 13th after worship – HONK! Parade for social justice. Grab your coffee hour treats and join the CHPC community as we walk from church to Davis Square and cheer our own Randy Winchester, performing with his group in the annual HONK! Festival parade for social justice. Fellowship and entertainment for all, so invite your friends for the service and to join us for the event!  More info on the multi-day HONK! Festival activities, music and justice issues is at http://honkfest.org/

6th annual Wrap Around

Attention all Knitters, Crocheters, and Stitch-makers!
The Nave Gallery is seeking knitted, crocheted, and sewn donations of gloves, hats, bags, blankets, decorative pieces, etc., for the 6th annual Wrap Around, our sale of affordable handmade goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition (SHC). Last year we raised almost $3,000 for SHC. Can we hit $5,000 this year?  Please include your name and contact info with your donation so that we can thank you, and a list the materials used (e.g. wool, cotton, etc.).

If you have any questions, contact Tori Costa at tori [dot] costa [at]gmail.com. Items not sold during the sale will be donated to the Somerville Homeless Coalition.

Installation Service of Rev. Fairfax

We have a date for the installation service of Rev. Fairfax, so mark your calendars! The service will be at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary on Sunday, November 3rd, with a reception to follow. We’ll be looking for help, so please consider saying yes when you are asked. The installation service marks the official beginning of Allen’s ministry with us. It will include members of the Presbytery of Boston, as well as those who have been important to Allen in his faith journey and his pastoral career. All are welcome and we hope you will join us!

Thanksgiving for Veterans Dinner and Concert

Save the Date!  Saturday, November 9th, 6-9pm – A Thanksgiving for Veterans dinner and concert.  This is a collaboration between CHPC, the Nave Gallery and the Volunteers of America veterans support organization currently housed at CHPC.  Please mark your calendars and we’ll get more details out soon!

Sept 1, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, September 1st, at 10:30 a.m. and for
coffee and fellowship after the service.  We will welcome our new pastor, Rev. Allen Fairfax, as he preaches and leads us in worship. We will also celebrate Communion.

The Clarendon Hill outreach committee is planning a family-friendly get-together at Great Brook Farm in Carlisle on Saturday, September 14 from 1 to 4 pm and we are hoping that you can join us!

A group of us went last year and had a great time picnicking and seeing the sights (which includes an active dairy farm, barn tours, hiking trails,and an ice cream stand). For more information and directions, see their website:http://www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/dcr/massparks/region-north/great-brook-farm-state.html.
The only charge is a $2-per-car parking fee (not including any ice cream or other treats you want). We will also have car pools leaving Clarendon Hill at 12:30 and returning about 4:00 pm.

Please RSVP to cavatorta1@hotmail.com to let us know if you can join us for our first fellowship event this fall!

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, September 22nd in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Dead Sea Scrolls at Boston’s Museum of Science – Sunday, September 29th, 12:30-4pm Interested in learning more about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest known texts of the Bible? They are currently on display at the Museum of Science, a traveling exhibit created by the Israel Antiquities Authority. This is a chance for each of us to consider the texts and their context. More info at http://www.mos.org/exhibits/dead-sea-scrolls Cost for members of our group is $10 per person. Note: Tickets are timed and need to be purchased in advance, so we need an accurate count of the numbers coming by September 8th. Carpooling is available! Please let Ruth know your interest or contact her at 617-571-3621 or email ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com

Rides wanted! Drivers needed! We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events. And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help! Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621 ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com.

Want to be a greeter or a reader? Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery? Please let Ellen know how you would like to share your time and talents (ellends1313@gmail.com).


Aug 25, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, August 25th, at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service. Our texts will be Jeremiah 31:13 and Luke 13:10-17. John Adams will play a sermon in music entitled “Songs of Sadness and Dances of Joy.”  The music is from Federico Mompou’s Songs and Dances, numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8.  Mompou composed these pieces over a forty-year period ending in 1972.  Drawing upon melodies from his Catalan youth, he shaped the Songs into predominantly lyrical expressions of sadness, reverence, and quiet joy, while lightening the mood in the Dances with joyous statements of rhythmic vitality.

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour this Sunday, August 25th in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Save the date!  Tuesday, August 27th 5-11pm at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Square to support CHPC and the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer program – Pizza, bowling, friends and a good cause… what could be a better way to wrap up the summer?!  Every month the Flatbread Company (45 Day St, Somerville, MA 02144) shares their proceeds with local charities and August is for CHPC!  We will designate funds to support the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers program, starting in the Boston Presbytery this fall and bringing churches and organizations together to fight hunger, poverty, and structural injustice in the local food system.  It’s also a great way for CHPC to be visible in the community, so spread the word and bring your friends to Flatbread on August 27th!  Any questions, please contact Ruth (617-571-3621 ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com) or Val (Mabel312@aol.com).

We are pleased to announce that both the congregation of Clarendon Hill Church and the Presbytery of Boston approved our candidate, Rev. Allen Fairfax,  to be the new designated pastor!  Rev. Fairfax will begin his ministry atClarendon Hill on Sunday, September 1st.

Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621 ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(ellends1313@gmail.com)

Aug 18, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, August 18th, at 10:30 a.m. and for
coffee and fellowship after the service.  Our guest worship leader will be Sarah Donovan.  We will read and meditate on the day’s Lectionary texts:  Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19, Hebrews 11:29-12:2, and Luke 12:49-56.

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, August 25th in
the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I
am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have
on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

*Save the date!  Tuesday, August 27th 5-11pm at Flatbread Pizza in Davis
Square to support CHPC and the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer
program *– Pizza, bowling, friends and a good cause… what could be a better
way to wrap up the summer?!  Every month the Flatbread Company (45 Day St,
Somerville, MA 02144) shares their proceeds with local charities and August
is for CHPC!  We will designate funds to support the We will designate funds to support the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers program, starting in the Boston Presbytery this fall and bringing churches and organizations together to fight hunger, poverty, and structural injustice in the local food system.  It’s also a great way for CHPC to be visible in the community, so spread the word and bring your friends to Flatbread on August 27th!  Any questions, please contact Ruth (617-571-3621 ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com) or Val (Mabel312@aol.com).

We are pleased to announce that both the congregation of Clarendon Hill Church and the Presbytery of Boston approved our candidate, Rev. Allen Fairfax,  to be the new designated pastor!  Rev. Fairfax will begin his ministry atClarendon Hill on Sunday, September 1st.

Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621 ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(ellends1313@gmail.com)