Mar 29, 2015 Announcements

Palm Sunday Procession
Begins at 9:00 a.m. at Powderhouse Park, marching to Davis Square. (should be done by 9:45 a.m.) If you’d like to walk, please meet the pastor at the church by 8:30 a.m. Rev. Allen will be blessing the palms.

Sermon: “Gathered at Hope’s Gate”
Scriptures: Psalm 42:1-6, Mark 11:1-11
While much can be said about the political hopes that the Palm Sunday parade into Jerusalem represented, these gospel passages are also (and more essentially) a prefiguring of the deeper, eternal hope that is to come (and is also present now). We are people gathered at the gate, waiting for our salvation, waiting for our deliverance. As the psalmist notes, we find ourselves longing and thirsting for God. Palm Sunday is a reminder for us to always hope in God, for God is at work in our lives then and now, and forevermore. What do we do when our hopes seem dashed?

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Presentation: Water and Spirituality in Palestine/Israel
Sunday, March 29th during Coffee Hour, we will host Nidal al-Azraq, along with our own Paul Beran, for a discussion about “Spirituality and Water”. Nidal al-Azraq has been working on a water conservation project in one of the refugee camps in the West Bank. He is affiliated with the Boston Alliance for Water Justice. The presentation with be after coffee hour, in the fellowship area, from 12:15-1:15 p.m. If you’d like, please bring a dish to share; especially a Middle Eastern dish. ( Due to serious allergies, we have to ask for NO NUTS in your dish.) All are welcome to join us on Palm Sunday for this presentation.

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Offering
Concluding on Sunday, our Focus on Mission during the service will be the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. The offering will be collected on Palm Sunday (March 29th). Donations are split equally between Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Self Development of People (SDOP) and the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP). Come find out more about the worthy work that the OGHS supports, and please give as generously as you are able.

Interested in free Red Sox tickets? Fill those Fish Banks! The Fish Banks are a way to contribute to the OGHS offering. A member of our congregation has Red Sox tickets to give away, in exchange for filling and turning in your Fish Bank. Make sure you mark your Fish Bank with your name so we will know who the bank belongs to. You can find the empty banks on the table in the narthex.

Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary.
We will have a fellowship/last supper type of worship service, with readings surrounding the last night of Jesus before his crucifixion. Various food items will be available as part of the service and fellowship time (nut-free only). All are invited to gather at 6:30 in order to “prepare” the upper room for our common meal, with a meal and service at 7:00 p.m.. After our time together we will cover the cross and shut off the lights in the sanctuary, and leave in silence.

Easter Sunrise Service
Begins at 6:00 a.m., at Nathan Tufts Park, Powderhouse Square. If you’d like to attend the service on Easter morning, meet the pastor at the church by 5:30 a.m. Rev. Allen will be leading the prayers of the people at the service.

Please bring your Easter plants and flowers to church on Sunday, April 5th. Easter lilies, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils or other spring flowers would all be welcome decorations for our sanctuary as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection.

Easter Sunday
Join us for worship and the celebration of Communion and Easter on Sunday, April 5th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

If you would like to bring a sweet or savory snack to supplement our coffee hour spread for Easter Sunday, we would love to have you share them with us. Due to serious allergies, we have to ask for NO NUTS in your treats. Unless it needs to be refrigerated, the dish can be left in the Nave Gallery.

Members Per Capita
Clarendon Hill is a member congregation of the National Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., the Synod of the Northeast, and the the Presbytery of Boston. As part of our membership in this connectional church, our local presbytery, our regional Synod and the national General Assembly ask each church to contribute a certain amount to cover administrative costs. This amount is determined according to the size of a church’s membership – it’s per capita. The per capita amount is not a church tax, nor in any way is paying per capita a requirement of membership. While the total amount due from our church is covered by our church budget, we ask members who can pay the “per capita” (or a portion of it) to do so as a way of recognizing our connection to and appreciation of the larger Presbyterian Church, as well as supporting our church budget in a particular way. The per capita amount this year is $52.00 per member – $40.00 of which goes to support the Presbytery of Boston. Please give as you can to this. If you have offering envelopes, please use the blue envelope marked “per capita”.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour on Sunday, March 22nd

CHPC Bible Study
The Clarendon Hill Bible Study will meet at Mr. Crepe in Davis Square on Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 p.m. (Please note change in date and location.) For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, April 8th at 7:30 p.m.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10th. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at

Adult Education Group
Sunday, April 12th, the Adult Education group will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. We will discuss Sabbath Economics, using two books: The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics by Ched Myers and Sabbath Economics: Household Practices by Matthew Colwell. See Pastor Allen if you’d like books, or more information. Everyone is welcome to join us!

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