Oct 18, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Steeled for the Journey Ahead”
Scripture: Mark 10:35-45
We are still in the second teaching cycle of Mark, so these teachings are about our inner life and faith (less so about external, social justice teachings). In this seeming hodgepodge of scriptural sayings, there is a connection. As we prepare for this coming Sunday, note that the word translated for stumbling block is the Greek word for scandal (eskandolos). Also, the things that Jesus mentions as “better than being in hell” represent some of the worst fears that people in Jesus’ time would have had. Each of the sufferings that Jesus mentions (drowning and physical maiming) would have had huge social consequences for them. What are the anxieties that we bring to our faith life? How do we allow or create our own stumbling blocks? Note that the end of these sayings is the word of Peace.

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Nicole Terez Dutton – Poetry Readings
Somerville Poet Laureate Nicole Terez Dutton will give a reading on Sunday October 18th, in the Nave gallery during the afternoon from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. A community reception will follow.
Nicole Terez Dutton’s work has appeared in Callaloo, Ploughshares, 32 Poems, Indiana Review, and Salt Hill Journal. Nicole earned an MFA from Brown University and has received fellowships from the Frost Place, the Fine Arts Work Center, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her collection of poems, If One Of Us Should Fall, was selected as the winner of the 2011 Cave Canem Poetry Prize. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts where she serves as the city’s inaugural poet laureate, and she teaches in the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program. All are invited to attend.

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office), pastor@clarendonhillchurch.org.


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Guest Preacher – Rev. Michael Trautman
Our guest preacher on Sunday, October 25th will the Rev. Michael Trautman, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson, Missouri.

“Learning to Talk in Ferguson and Boston” – Presentation and Panel
Sunday, October 25th, community reception, 5:00 p.m.; presentation 5:30-7:00 p.m. Visiting from Ferguson Missouri, Rev. Michael Trautman of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson will share about the work of “One Ferguson”, a diverse gathering of people and organizations dedicated to re-creating the Ferguson community through “citizen engagement, empowerment, and accountability.” (oneferguson.com) And from here in Boston, Rev. Laura Ahart of the United Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain will share about ministries at the Nashua Street Jail, her church, and the work of the Criminal Justice Committee for the Black Ministerial Alliance in Boston. (bmaboston.org) Both will engage each other and the audience concerning religious groups responding to race and injustice in our communities.
Douglas S. Kress, Director of Health and Human Services for the City of Somerville, will also be present on October 25th to share information about Somerville’s efforts to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Guest Preacher – Denis Sullivan
Denis Sullivan will be our guest preacher on Sunday, November 15th. He will be speaking on the refugee crisis.

CHPC Fellowship: After Church Potluck
Save the date: Our next fellowship event will be on Sunday, November 15th after the service, with a Thanksgiving potluck. Come celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family.

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com). Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


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