June 21, 2015 Announcements

Sunday Service: Guest Preacher
Our guest preacher will be Michael Nickey. Mike is a long time friend and former member of CHPC. He has his MA in Theological Studies from Andover Newton. Professionally he works for a not for profit organization that provides Medicaid coverage to low income individuals. He and his spouse currently worship at Grace Episcopal Church in Medford.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours– he will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st, 3rd and 5th Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Restaurant Outing
Saturday, June 27th: We are planning a CHPC restaurant outing. Location and time is yet to be determined. If you would like to make suggestions or would like more information, please speak to Kevin after church service or via email. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Session Meeting
The Session will be meeting on Sunday, June 28th at 7:30 after church for a retreat.

Fellowship Event – Kimball Farm
ce Cream and ??? Join us for our next fellowship event, to be held on Saturday, July 25th (rain date: Saturday, August 1st) at Kimball Farm in Westford, MA (http://kimballfarm.com/westford/) Parking is free! In addition choosing from over 50 flavors of ice cream, you can try your hand at bumper boats, batting cages, a 9 hole golf course, a driving range or two different miniature golf courses. How about getting some great seafood, or browsing the country store, or checking out the farm animals? We’ll meet at 1:00 p.m., to start our adventure! If you need a ride, or want more information, please contact Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com). All are welcome!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons like to start a prayer request list that would be located online. We would set up an email list for folks to send prayer requests. The people on the email list would receive the request, and pray for whatever concerns or celebrations arrive. If you would like to be on the email list so that you could pray, please send an email to Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com). Once we have collected email addresses, we will contact you with further information.


– – – Community News – – –

Fundraiser for the Nave Gallery at Flatbread Pizza
Tuesday, June 30th, anytime after 5:00 p.m.
We are having a fundraiser for the Nave Galleries on Tuesday, June 30th at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Square. For each pizza sold, small or large, takeout or online after5:00 p.m., we get a percentage of the sale.
Please consider making this a pizza night for you, friends and family!
In addition, we will be having a raffle for a custom created Art Star hero cape, and limited edition prints donated by James Weinberg for sale.
We hope that you can stop by and show your support. Please help us spread the word!
Here’s more information about the art show, curated by members of the congregation, for Clarendon Hill’s Learn to Talk Series, this coming fall.

Embracing Differences: Mending the Isms and Schisms
DEADLINE: September 8, 2015
EXHIBITION DATES: October 4-31, 2015
LOCATION: Nave Gallery, 155 Powder House Blvd, Somerville, MA
CURATED BY: Claire Roll, Craig Milanesi
Is inequality the defining issue of our time? How does injustice show its face in our community? What impossible heights can we achieve as a society by embracing difference as strength? Racism, sexism and economic inequality are still systemic and deeply personal in America today, both influencing and influenced by global inequities. What does it take to mend the things that divide us? How do we let in the light?
The Nave Gallery seeks submissions that express an appreciation of the complexities of our differences, expose societies isms/schisms, and reflects the dreams for peace with justice in this world. We will consider works in the following media: painting, sculpture, photography, digital, mixed media, installation and performance.

For more information see: http://navegallery.org/wp/embracing-differences-mending-the-isms-and-schisms-cfe/

June 14, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Providential Light”
Scripture: Mark 4:26-34; selections from 2 Corinthians 4 and 5
We are continuing our study of how faith in Christ is addressing our vulnerabilities/fears and our tendencies toward shame-based living. This week we bring in the notion of providence, of how God is at work (relentlessly) to transform the ways we have been living our lives. A focus for our worship preparation this week could be 2 Corinthians 4:6 (hearkening back to Genesis 1:3), a clear reminder of God’s ongoing work of creation through the providential light of the Spirit.

Adult Education: Sabbath Economics and Watershed Discipleship
The Adult Education group will be meeting after coffee hour in the Green Room on Sunday, June 14th. We will conclude our discussion about Sabbath Economics and Watershed Discipleship. All are welcome to attend!

Work Day – Open Center Repair
There will be a work day at the church on Saturday, June 20th, from 10 AM – 2 PM to prepare the basement for the Open Center. This winter the church suffered extensive damage to the Open Center and Allen’s office due water damage caused by an ice dam. The church’s insurance has given money for the repairs. The building circle has arranged with a contractor and the Open Center to perform all of the work for one week in July. During this week, the Open Center will be temporarily residing in the basement. Please come to this work day to help us prepare for their stay and help us to continue to build our partnership with the Open Center. Many hands make light work!

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Restaurant Outing
Saturday, June 27th: We are planning a CHPC restaurant outing. Location and time is yet to be determined. If you would like to make suggestions or would like more information, please speak to Kevin after church service or via email. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Session Meeting
The Session will be meeting on Sunday, June 28th at 7:30 after church for a retreat.

Fellowship Event – Kimball Farm
ce Cream and ??? Join us for our next fellowship event, to be held on Saturday, July 25th (rain date: Saturday, August 1st) at Kimball Farm in Westford, MA (http://kimballfarm.com/westford/) Parking is free! In addition choosing from over 50 flavors of ice cream, you can try your hand at bumper boats, batting cages, a 9 hole golf course, a driving range or two different miniature golf courses. How about getting some great seafood, or browsing the country store, or checking out the farm animals? We’ll meet at 1:00 p.m., to start our adventure! If you need a ride, or want more information, please contact Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com). All are welcome!

Deacons News
The Deacons like to start a prayer request list that would be located online. We would set up an email list for folks to send prayer requests. The people on the email list would receive the request, and pray for whatever concerns or celebrations arrive. If you would like to be on the email list so that you could pray, please send an email to Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com). Once we have collected email addresses, we will contact you with further information.

June 6, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Shame on You!!”
Scripture: Mark 3:20-35
Jesus’ family was horrified at what was happening — they were feeling shamed. Continuing last week’s exploration, we will consider a bit more about how shame plays into our constitution as human beings and what it means to be a faith community.

Work Day – Open Center Repair
There will be a work day at the church on Saturday, June 13th and June 20th, from 10 AM – 2 PM to prepare the basement for the Open Center. This winter the church suffered extensive damage to the Open Center and Allen’s office due water damage caused by an ice dam. The church’s insurance has given money for the repairs. The building circle has arranged with a contractor and the Open Center to perform all of the work for one week in July. During this week, the Open Center will be temporarily residing in the basement. Please come to this work day to help us prepare for their stay and help us to continue to build our partnership with the Open Center. Many hands make light work!

Boston Gay Pride Parade – Presbyterians for Pride
Presbyterians for Pride will be marching in the Boston Gay Pride parade, which will be held on Saturday, June 13th. Join us, along with friends from First Presbyterian in Waltham, Church of the Covenant and 4th Presbyterian in Boston as we travel from Boylston Street in Copley Square to City Hall Plaza, along a 2.27 mile route. The theme for this year’s parade (the 45th annual!) is ‪#‎WickedProud‬. The parade begins at noon, but we must be in place by 11:00 a.m. Here’s your chance to hear a million people cheering for Presbyterians! If you’d like more information or would be interested in attending, please contact Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com).

Adult Education Group
Will be meeting after coffee hour in the Green Room on Sunday, June 14th. All are welcome to attend!

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Fellowship Event – Kimball Farm
Ice Cream and ??? Join us for our next fellowship event, to be held on Saturday, July 25th (rain date: Saturday, August 1st) at Kimball Farm in Westford, MA (http://kimballfarm.com/westford/) Parking is free! In addition choosing from over 50 flavors of ice cream, you can try your hand at bumper boats, batting cages, a 9 hole golf course, a driving range or two different miniature golf courses. How about getting some great seafood, or browsing the country store, or checking out the farm animals? We’ll meet at 1:00 p.m., to start our adventure! If you need a ride, or want more information, please contact Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com). All are welcome!

May 31, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “And Yet, My Eyes Have Seen!”
Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8
This wonderful vision of God’s grace in Isaiah is a wonderful way to speak about the work of the Spirit in our lives. What are the things that keep us from having a closer relationship with God? Are we feeling guilty about things in our past? Are we experiencing a sense of shame (a close cousin to feelings of guilt)? What is it that keeps us from relating closely to a life-giving God?

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Housing for the summer needed!
This request was received through Mark Hoover, a student at Fletcher. If any of you have ideas, are interested, or can help out, please get in touch with Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com), and Ellen will give you contact information.

Hi all,

A friend who teaches at a public school in Philly is trying to help a really promising student go to Harvard’s secondary school program this summer. My friend’s taught her for the past two years, and she’s been working really hard to improve her writing, but unfortunately her school doesn’t have the resources to really challenge her.

Trapeta has received some funding from Harvard and a scholarship to cover the rest, and she’s super excited about going. Unfortunately, by the time she got the scholarship the Harvard housing was gone (it was first come first serve), and now the scholarship donors have retracted all but the money required for tuition.

For the past few weeks, she’s been working to raise money here, so she has some money to spend on housing, but I know it will be tricky for a high school student to find a room. Does anyone have any ideas for her or know a family that might be willing to take her in for this time? My friend’s vouched for her responsibility and maturity.

If anyone has any ideas, please pass them on, and I can put you in touch with Trapeta and her teacher. Educational opportunities in Philly’s public/charter schools are really not great right now, and I know this experience would mean a lot to Trapeta.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet on Sunday, May 31st, in the Green Room, right after coffee hour.

Boston Gay Pride Parade – Presbyterians for Pride
Presbyterians for Pride will be marching in the Boston Gay Pride parade, which will be held on Saturday, June 13th. The parade begins at noon. If you’d like more information or would be interested in attending, please contact Ellen. (ellends1313@gmail.com)

May 24, 2015 Announcements

Sermon:”Fired Up”
Scripture: Acts 2:1-21

Join us for worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Pentecost Service
On Sunday, May 24th, we will celebrate Pentecost. Make sure to wear red! And, in a very fitting way, we will dedicate our new red “Glory to God” hymnals during the service. If you’ve been meaning to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, now is the time to do it! You can find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Pentecost Offering
A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. The remaining 60% is used to support ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency which include Young Adult Volunteers, Ministries for Youth and Children-At-Risk.
We will collect the offering on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. Our 40% of the offering will be donated to the Presbytery of Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program. Please give as generously as you are able.

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Housing for the summer needed!
This request was received through Mark Hoover, a student at Fletcher. If any of you have ideas, are interested, or can help out, please get in touch with Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com), and Ellen will give you contact information.

Hi all,

A friend who teaches at a public school in Philly is trying to help a really promising student go to Harvard’s secondary school program this summer. My friend’s taught her for the past two years, and she’s been working really hard to improve her writing, but unfortunately her school doesn’t have the resources to really challenge her.

Trapeta has received some funding from Harvard and a scholarship to cover the rest, and she’s super excited about going. Unfortunately, by the time she got the scholarship the Harvard housing was gone (it was first come first serve), and now the scholarship donors have retracted all but the money required for tuition.

For the past few weeks, she’s been working to raise money here, so she has some money to spend on housing, but I know it will be tricky for a high school student to find a room. Does anyone have any ideas for her or know a family that might be willing to take her in for this time? My friend’s vouched for her responsibility and maturity.

If anyone has any ideas, please pass them on, and I can put you in touch with Trapeta and her teacher. Educational opportunities in Philly’s public/charter schools are really not great right now, and I know this experience would mean a lot to Trapeta.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet on Sunday, May 31st, in the Green Room, right after coffee hour.

Boston Gay Pride Parade – Presbyterians for Pride
Presbyterians for Pride will be marching in the Boston Gay Pride parade, which will be held on Saturday, June 13th. The parade begins at noon. If you’d like more information or would be interested in attending, please contact Ellen. (ellends1313@gmail.com)

May 17, 2015 Announcements

Sermon:”Creating a Divine Space”
Scripture: John 17:6-19

In the last series of discourses that Jesus has with his disciples, we have the author of the gospel creating a mindset for the disciples as they engage the world. This passage makes it clear that our faith does not mean we try to escape the world. Rather, heaven, through God’s followers, begins to enter into this world. Its interesting also to think about how this would look internally for each of us (the world is “in” all of us).

Join us for worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, May 13th at 7:30 p.m.

12th Annual Somerville Save Our Homes Walk
Sunday, May 17th, at 2:00 p.m. We’d like to get a group of us to participate in this walk. (We’ve participated in years past.) The Session will be donating money from our mission funds. This is a great way to get some exercise, met other folks from Somerville who are interested in affordable housing, and to see the work that the Somerville Community Corporation is doing to help get and keep people in housing in Somerville. If you’d like to join us, please let Pastor Allen know. More info, see: http://somervillecdc.org/ev…/12th-annual-save-our-homes-walk.

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Pentecost Service
On Sunday, May 24th, we will celebrate Pentecost. Make sure to wear red! And, in a very fitting way, we will dedicate our new red “Glory to God” hymnals during the service. If you’ve been meaning to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, now is the time to do it! You can find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Pentecost Offering
A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. The remaining 60% is used to support ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency which include Young Adult Volunteers, Ministries for Youth and Children-At-Risk.
We will collect the offering on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. Our 40% of the offering will be donated to the Presbytery of Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program. Please give as generously as you are able.

Housing for the summer needed! 
This request was received through Mark Hoover, a student at Fletcher. If any of you have ideas, are interested, or can help out, please get in touch with Ellen (ellends1313@gmail.com), and Ellen will give you contact information.

Hi all,

A friend who teaches at a public school in Philly is trying to help a really promising student go to Harvard’s secondary school program this summer. My friend’s taught her for the past two years, and she’s been working really hard to improve her writing, but unfortunately her school doesn’t have the resources to really challenge her.

Trapeta has received some funding from Harvard and a scholarship to cover the rest, and she’s super excited about going. Unfortunately, by the time she got the scholarship the Harvard housing was gone (it was first come first serve), and now the scholarship donors have retracted all but the money required for tuition.

For the past few weeks, she’s been working to raise money here, so she has some money to spend on housing, but I know it will be tricky for a high school student to find a room. Does anyone have any ideas for her or know a family that might be willing to take her in for this time? My friend’s vouched for her responsibility and maturity.

If anyone has any ideas, please pass them on, and I can put you in touch with Trapeta and her teacher. Educational opportunities in Philly’s public/charter schools are really not great right now, and I know this experience would mean a lot to Trapeta.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet on Sunday, May 31st, in the Green Room, right after coffee hour.

Boston Gay Pride Parade – Presbyterians for Pride
Presbyterians for Pride will be marching in the Boston Gay Pride parade, which will be held on Saturday, June 13th. The parade begins at noon. If you’d like more information or would be interested in attending, please contact Ellen. (ellends1313@gmail.com)

May 09, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Can I Get a With-ness?”
Scripture: Acts 10:44-48; John 15:9-17
The very pastoral practice of being “with someone” in their time of need or growth is very present in our passages for this week. In Acts, the disciples with Peter hang out with a bunch of Gentiles — a revolutionary action! In John, Jesus tells the 12 that God will be with them– in love. As a practice of discipleship, we will explore what it means to orient one’s daily life around the notion of with-ness, and what that means for our friendships and the demands of justice in our communities.

Join us for worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, May 13th at 7:30 p.m.

Fellowship Event – Rock Climbing @ Brooklyn Boulders
Saturday, May 16th, meet at 1pm– Join us at Brooklyn Boulders right here in Somerville for rock climbing/fitness! Brooklyn Boulders is a gym that also includes rock-climbing walls! Participants will have access to all fitness equipment and rock walls if they participate in a 15-minute orientation class and sign a waiver. The cost is $30 for students/$35 for adults, however, if we get at least 9 people to RSVP in advance, we can get a group rate of $19 per person. Therefore, Please RSVP to Jenny Herzig by Friday, May 8th. For more information, visithttp://brooklynboulders.com/somerville . *Please note, although children are allowed at Brooklyn Boulders, any children under 14 years of age must be supervised closely by an adult at all times. Children are not allowed on cardio equipment or to run freely in the gym. If you wish to bring your child, please carefully read the guidelines for children and parents on the Brooklyn Boulders website. The Deacons are planning a more family-oriented event in the coming weeks.

Adult Education Group
On Sunday, May 17th, (note date change!) the Adult Education group will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. We will finish our discussion Sabbath Economics, using two books: The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics by Ched Myers (which talks about the scriptural basis for this concept) and Sabbath Economics: Household Practices by Matthew Colwell (which talks about the practical application in your life.) See Pastor Allen if you’d like books, or more information. Everyone is welcome to join!

12th Annual Somerville Save Our Homes Walk
Sunday, May 17th, at 2:00 p.m. We’d like to get a group of us to participate in this walk. (We’ve participated in years past.) The Session will be donating money from our mission funds. This is a great way to get some exercise, met other folks from Somerville who are interested in affordable housing, and to see the work that the Somerville Community Corporation is doing to help get and keep people in housing in Somerville. If you’d like to join us, please let Pastor Allen know. More info, see: http://somervillecdc.org/ev…/12th-annual-save-our-homes-walk.

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Pentecost Service
On Sunday, May 24th, we will celebrate Pentecost. Make sure to wear red! And, in a very fitting way, we will dedicate our new red “Glory to God” hymnals during the service. If you’ve been meaning to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, now is the time to do it! You can find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Pentecost Offering
A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. The remaining 60% is used to support ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency which include Young Adult Volunteers, Ministries for Youth and Children-At-Risk.
We will collect the offering on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. Our 40% of the offering will be donated to the Presbytery of Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program. Please give as generously as you are able.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet on Sunday, May 31st, in the Green Room, right after coffee hour.

Boston Gay Pride Parade – Presbyterians for Pride
Presbyterians for Pride will be marching in the Boston Gay Pride parade, which will be held on Saturday, June 13th. The parade begins at noon. If you’d like more information or would be interested in attending, please contact Ellen. (ellends1313@gmail.com)

Apr 05, 2015 Announcements

Easter Sunrise Service, begins at 6:00 a.m., at Nathan Tufts Park, Powderhouse Square. If you’d like to attend the service on Easter morning, meet the pastor at the church by 5:30 a.m. Rev. Allen will be leading the prayers of the people at the service.

Easter Worship at Clarendon Hill
Sermon: Standing on the Beach
Scripture: John 21:1-19
In our scripture passage from John, a group of the disciples go night fishing, and catch nothing. In the morning light, they see someone calling to them from shore, but they cannot make out who it is. But they do hear a question from this person, and everything changes for them as the reality of what he asks, and how he asks, sinks in. The resurrected Jesus is on the shore, and he creates a space of grace for them as they feverishly try to get back to the shore. Healing takes place, especially for Peter. They are fed, for they are truly hungry. This healing is also for us, and we too can be fed.

Join us for worship at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to join us for coffee and fellowship after the service. Coffee Hour and Fellowship will be held in the Nave Gallery, adjacent to the sanctuary.

Easter Flowers and Plants
Please bring your Easter plants and flowers to church on Sunday, April 5th. Easter lilies, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils or other spring flowers would all be welcome decorations for our sanctuary as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection.

Sweet/Savory Snacks
If you would like to bring a sweet or savory snack to supplement our coffee hour spread for Easter Sunday, we would love to have you share them with us. Due to serious allergies, we have to ask for NO NUTS in your treats. Unless it needs to be refrigerated, the dish can be left in the Nave Gallery.

Somerville Early Head Start: Food Pantry
This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, so we will be collecting food for the emergency food pantry run by Somerville Early Head Start. You can deposit your non-perishable items in the baskets in the entry, outside the sanctuary doors. Thanks for helping to reduce food scarcity in Somerville.

Family Friendly Fellowship: Spring Potluck
Hosted at Craig and Jaja’s house: 10 Grant Ave., Medford, MA 02155, Saturday, April 11 from 4 to 7 pm. Bring a dish or beverage to share (no nuts please!) Please be aware also that they have 3 cats in case of allergies. All friends and family are most welcome. Please RSVP to Liz at cavatorta1@hotmail.com to let us know if you are coming and what you will be bringing. Call Liz at 617-721-7871 if you have any questions or if you need a ride.

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets in a local restaurant every other week. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (kevin.sungwon@gmail.com)

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, April 8th at 7:30 p.m.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10th. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Adult Education Group
Sunday, April 12th, the Adult Education group will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. We will discuss Sabbath Economics, using two books: The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics by Ched Myers and Sabbath Economics: Household Practices by Matthew Colwell. See Pastor Allen if you’d like books, or more information. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Mar 29, 2015 Announcements

Palm Sunday Procession
Begins at 9:00 a.m. at Powderhouse Park, marching to Davis Square. (should be done by 9:45 a.m.) If you’d like to walk, please meet the pastor at the church by 8:30 a.m. Rev. Allen will be blessing the palms.

Sermon: “Gathered at Hope’s Gate”
Scriptures: Psalm 42:1-6, Mark 11:1-11
While much can be said about the political hopes that the Palm Sunday parade into Jerusalem represented, these gospel passages are also (and more essentially) a prefiguring of the deeper, eternal hope that is to come (and is also present now). We are people gathered at the gate, waiting for our salvation, waiting for our deliverance. As the psalmist notes, we find ourselves longing and thirsting for God. Palm Sunday is a reminder for us to always hope in God, for God is at work in our lives then and now, and forevermore. What do we do when our hopes seem dashed?

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Presentation: Water and Spirituality in Palestine/Israel
Sunday, March 29th during Coffee Hour, we will host Nidal al-Azraq, along with our own Paul Beran, for a discussion about “Spirituality and Water”. Nidal al-Azraq has been working on a water conservation project in one of the refugee camps in the West Bank. He is affiliated with the Boston Alliance for Water Justice. The presentation with be after coffee hour, in the fellowship area, from 12:15-1:15 p.m. If you’d like, please bring a dish to share; especially a Middle Eastern dish. ( Due to serious allergies, we have to ask for NO NUTS in your dish.) All are welcome to join us on Palm Sunday for this presentation.

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Offering
Concluding on Sunday, our Focus on Mission during the service will be the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. The offering will be collected on Palm Sunday (March 29th). Donations are split equally between Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Self Development of People (SDOP) and the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP). Come find out more about the worthy work that the OGHS supports, and please give as generously as you are able.

Interested in free Red Sox tickets? Fill those Fish Banks! The Fish Banks are a way to contribute to the OGHS offering. A member of our congregation has Red Sox tickets to give away, in exchange for filling and turning in your Fish Bank. Make sure you mark your Fish Bank with your name so we will know who the bank belongs to. You can find the empty banks on the table in the narthex.

Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary.
We will have a fellowship/last supper type of worship service, with readings surrounding the last night of Jesus before his crucifixion. Various food items will be available as part of the service and fellowship time (nut-free only). All are invited to gather at 6:30 in order to “prepare” the upper room for our common meal, with a meal and service at 7:00 p.m.. After our time together we will cover the cross and shut off the lights in the sanctuary, and leave in silence.

Easter Sunrise Service
Begins at 6:00 a.m., at Nathan Tufts Park, Powderhouse Square. If you’d like to attend the service on Easter morning, meet the pastor at the church by 5:30 a.m. Rev. Allen will be leading the prayers of the people at the service.

Please bring your Easter plants and flowers to church on Sunday, April 5th. Easter lilies, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils or other spring flowers would all be welcome decorations for our sanctuary as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection.

Easter Sunday
Join us for worship and the celebration of Communion and Easter on Sunday, April 5th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

If you would like to bring a sweet or savory snack to supplement our coffee hour spread for Easter Sunday, we would love to have you share them with us. Due to serious allergies, we have to ask for NO NUTS in your treats. Unless it needs to be refrigerated, the dish can be left in the Nave Gallery.

Members Per Capita
Clarendon Hill is a member congregation of the National Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., the Synod of the Northeast, and the the Presbytery of Boston. As part of our membership in this connectional church, our local presbytery, our regional Synod and the national General Assembly ask each church to contribute a certain amount to cover administrative costs. This amount is determined according to the size of a church’s membership – it’s per capita. The per capita amount is not a church tax, nor in any way is paying per capita a requirement of membership. While the total amount due from our church is covered by our church budget, we ask members who can pay the “per capita” (or a portion of it) to do so as a way of recognizing our connection to and appreciation of the larger Presbyterian Church, as well as supporting our church budget in a particular way. The per capita amount this year is $52.00 per member – $40.00 of which goes to support the Presbytery of Boston. Please give as you can to this. If you have offering envelopes, please use the blue envelope marked “per capita”.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour on Sunday, March 22nd

CHPC Bible Study
The Clarendon Hill Bible Study will meet at Mr. Crepe in Davis Square on Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 p.m. (Please note change in date and location.) For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, April 8th at 7:30 p.m.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10th. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Adult Education Group
Sunday, April 12th, the Adult Education group will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. We will discuss Sabbath Economics, using two books: The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics by Ched Myers and Sabbath Economics: Household Practices by Matthew Colwell. See Pastor Allen if you’d like books, or more information. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Mar 15, 2015 Announcements

Sermon:”What Are You Lookin’ At?!”
The scriptures for this Sunday speak directly to our deepest fears, whatever they may be. Let us explore how they might be helpful for us as we approach the darkness of Good Friday.
Scripture: Numbers 21:4-9
John 3:14-21

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Worship Location
Please note that we are worshiping in the basement fellowship area of the church (over by the kitchen) due to work that is taking place in the sanctuary.

Somerville Early Head Start: Emergency Food Pantry
This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, so we will be collecting food for the emergency food pantry run by Somerville Early Head Start. You can deposit your non-perishable items in the baskets in the entry, outside the sanctuary doors. Thanks for helping to reduce food scarcity in Somerville.

Members Per Capita
Clarendon Hill is a member congregation of the National Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., the Synod of the Northeast, and the the Presbytery of Boston. As part of our membership in this connectional church, our local presbytery, our regional Synod and the national General Assembly ask each church to contribute a certain amount to cover administrative costs. This amount is determined according to the size of a church’s membership – it’s per capita. The per capita amount is not a church tax, nor in any way is paying per capita a requirement of membership. While the total amount due from our church is covered by our church budget, we ask members who can pay the “per capita” (or a portion of it) to do so as a way of recognizing our connection to and appreciation of the larger Presbyterian Church, as well as supporting our church budget in a particular way. The per capita amount this year is $52.00 per member – $40.00 of which goes to support the Presbytery of Boston. Please give as you can to this. If you have offering envelopes, please use the blue envelope marked “per capita”.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Focus on Mission: One Great Hour of Sharing
Beginning this week, our Focus on Mission during the service will be the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. The offering will be collected on Palm Sunday (March 29th). Donations are split equally between Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Self Development of People (SDOP) and the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP). Come find out more about the worthy work that the OGHS supports, and please give as generously as you are able.

Family Fellowship Event: Bowling and Pizza at Flatbread
Join us Saturday afternoon, March 21st for bowling and pizza at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Square. Get out of the house, get some exercise, celebrate the arrival of spring (on the calendar at least!), eat yummy pizza, and fellowship with us. All are welcome. Look for more information closer to the date – but mark your calendars now.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour on Sunday, March 22nd

CHPC Bible Study
The Clarendon Hill Bible Study will meet at Mr. Crepe in Davis Square on Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 p.m. (Please note change in date and location.) For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Presentation: Water and Spirituality in Palestine/Israel
On Sunday, March 29th we will host Nidal al-Azraq, along with our own Paul Beran, for a discussion about Water and Spirituality in Palestine/Israel. Nidal al-Azraq has been working on a water conservation project in one of the refugee camps in the West Bank. He is affiliated with the Boston Alliance for Water Justice. The presentation with be after coffee hour, in the fellowship area, from 12:15-1:15 p.m. All are welcome to join us on Palm Sunday for this presentation.

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, April 8th at 7:30 p.m.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10th. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Adult Education Group
Sunday, April 12th, the Adult Education group will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. We will discuss Sabbath Economics, using two books: The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics by Ched Myers and Sabbath Economics: Household Practices by Matthew Colwell. See Pastor Allen if you’d like books, or more information. Everyone is welcome to join us!