Nov 09, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “Waiting”
Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13
This scripture, oddly enough, is trying to get at a basic anxiety that I suspect all of us have about waiting. Waiting is related to hope often enough, and hope is (as psychologist Erik Erikson once said) the “basic attribute of being alive.” What is it that we are waiting for in our lives? What is it that is missing from our lives? Is it a relationship? Is it a meaningful career? Have some hopes been dashed that we wish would be resurrected somehow? Can God be present in the midst of this waiting (for whatever is absent from our lives)?No easy answers for these questions, but let’s explore them this week through this passage.
New Members
We will welcome with joy Christopher and Claire Roll as members of the church, by reaffirmation of faith during our service. We are glad that they are joining us as we all continue our journeys of faith and service.

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

The Men’s Bible study
Meeting at Panera Bread in Porter Square on Wednesday, November 12th at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Make-a-Wish Gift Basket
(Deadline Sunday, Nov. 9th) This year Clarendon Hill will help support Make-a-Wish by contributing a gift basket to be raffled-off at the Make-a-Wish benefit concert. The theme for our basket is “dinner and a movie”. If you would like to participate, you can donate money and/or items for the basket. To participate, please check your email for the sign-up sheet or contact Jenny Herzig. All items/money must be delivered to Jenny Herzig by November 9th in order to be included.

Potluck and Program: “Grief and Loss: A Spiritual Challenge”
Sunday, November 16th – We’ll have a potluck meal after the service and then a presentation from Melissa Kelley. Melissa M. Kelley is associate professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling and the faculty director of the Professional Ministry Practicum at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Mark your calendars!

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, November 16th: We will meet in the Green Room after our potluck and program. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Make-a-Wish Benefit Concert featuring The Cambridge String Quartet!
Sunday Nov. 16th, 2pm – Come see CHPC’s own violinist Jenny Herzig perform with her quartet and support Make-a-Wish of Massachusetts and Rhode Island! The event will take place right here at Clarendon Hill! Tickets are $14 for adults and $4 for kids. There will also be a raffle and reception afterward. 80% of net ticket sales and 100% of raffle sales will all go to Make-a-Wish. The quartet will perform a Beethoven string quartet and some tango, samba, and mambo music! For more information and to purchase tickets please visit or contact Jenny Herzig.

What a blanket can do!
CHPC’s annual support to Church World Service, November 23rd
For the third year in a row, CHPC is raising funds to support the work of Church World Service through their “Blankets and Tools” initiative. Contributions mean Church World Service will be ready to help families here in the U.S. and around the world recover from disasters and displacement by providing blankets, as well as the tools and training to rebuild sustainable communities. CHPC joins over 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. in holding “Blankets and Tools” events and we can’t do it without your support. Please join us during worship on Sunday, November 23rd in giving generously to this important mission. For more information, visit Have questions or can’t be there on November 23rd, but want to contribute? Please talk with Ruth or email Thank you!



Wrap Around Sale: A sale of handmade knitted, crocheted, and sewn goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition.
Dessert Reception: Kick off our annual sale on a sweet note! Live music by Amy Kucharik, on Sunday, November 16th, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sale Dates: November 15-December 14, 2014, Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving weekend
Midnight Madness at Davis Square:
Thursday, December 4, 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.
For more info, see


Nov 02, 2014 Announcements

All Saints Day
This Sunday is All Saints Day in the Christian tradition. It is also a time at Clarendon Hill where we gather together to honor and remember those loved ones in our lives who have passed away (not just this past year, but anyone for whom you would like to remember in this way). We will offer special prayers and a litany of remembrance for those people who have gone before us and have had a special place in our lives. I encourage you to bring any mementos/pictures/symbols that we can place on a table in the front of the church.

Sermon: “Saintly Sinners”
Scripture: Matthew 23:1-12
I love this quote by Nelson Mandela: “I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.” In our gospel lesson, Jesus calls out the religious elite, describing the opposite of what we might call saintliness — except for the last 2 sentences. Thus, this Sunday we will do some exploring of what it means to walk humbly before God and others as we understand what it means for any of us to be a saint.

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

A Celebration of Students
Sunday, November 2nd – All students of all ages! You are invited to join us for a special celebration of our students at church this Sunday (Nov. 2nd). After the service, please join us during our coffee hour for a mid-semester break – the Deacons will have a special treat for you. Hope to see you there and good luck with midterms!

The Men’s Bible study
Meeting at Panera Bread in Porter Square on Wednesday, November 12th at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Make-a-Wish Gift Basket
(Deadline Sunday, Nov. 9th) This year Clarendon Hill will help support Make-a-Wish by contributing a gift basket to be raffled-off at the Make-a-Wish benefit concert. The theme for our basket is “dinner and a movie”. If you would like to participate, you can donate money and/or items for the basket. To participate, please check your email for the sign-up sheet or contact Jenny Herzig. All items/money must be delivered to Jenny Herzig by November 9th in order to be included.

Potluck and Program: “Grief and Loss: A Spiritual Challenge”
Sunday, November 16th – We’ll have a potluck meal after the service and then a presentation from Melissa Kelley. Melissa M. Kelley is associate professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling and the faculty director of the Professional Ministry Practicum at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Mark your calendars!

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, November 16th: We will meet in the Green Room after our potluck and program. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Make-a-Wish Benefit Concert featuring The Cambridge String Quartet!
Sunday Nov. 16th, 2pm – Come see CHPC’s own violinist Jenny Herzig perform with her quartet and support Make-a-Wish of Massachusetts and Rhode Island! The event will take place right here at Clarendon Hill! Tickets are $14 for adults and $4 for kids. There will also be a raffle and reception afterward. 80% of net ticket sales and 100% of raffle sales will all go to Make-a-Wish. The quartet will perform a Beethoven string quartet and some tango, samba, and mambo music! For more information and to purchase tickets please visit or contact Jenny Herzig.



Throughout October, Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church and the Nave Gallery (housed at the church) are hosting the event series “Learn to Talk: Engaging Art, Community and Social Justice.” Join us in celebrating art activism and social change in our community!
More information about the events and other details are below, or at our website, or on our Facebook page, noted above. All events are free and open to the public, with free childcare provided. Donated proceeds will benefit the Center for Teen Empowerment in Somerville, supporting youth and young adults as agents of individual, institutional, and social change. For more information, see

Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
The art exhibit in the Nave Gallery was curated by Rev. Karl Gustafson, and runs on Saturdays and Sundays, from 1:00 -5:00 p.m., now through Nov. 5th

About the Exhibition & Events:
In May 2014, The Nave Gallery marked it’s 10 year anniversary at The Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church. Their support through the years has allowed The Nave to show and support the work of hundreds of arts, while reinforcing our mutual commitment to strengthening our community through art activism. “Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice” is a celebration of this partnership and an assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. We ask your assistance in urging the City of Somerville to declare October Social Justice month.

Oct 26, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “Into the Sacred Waters”
Scripture: Mark 1:1-15
On this Reformation Sunday, we are celebrating with the Ma family the baptism of their son. What a glorious thing this is to do, for baptism is a gift from God to us. And when we celebrate this Sunday, we are also remembering and reaffirming our own baptism as a marker and reminder of what God has done for us. Let us wade into the sacred waters this week as a congregation, and be guided by the Reformation motto “Reformed, and always reforming” as we engage and immerse ourselves into the sacred places and relationships of our lives.

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Child Baptism
We will celebrate with joy the baptism of the son of Laura and Ryan Ma on Sunday, October 26th. May God’s blessings be with their family.

The Men’s Bible Study
Meeting at Panera Bread in Porter Square on Wednesday, October 29th at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

All Soul’s Day
Sunday, November 2 – A Celebration of Students – All students of all ages! Join us for a mid-semester break – the Deacons will have a special treat for you…

Potluck and Program: “Grief and Loss: A Spiritual Challenge”
Sunday, November 16th – We’ll have a potluck meal after the service and then a presentation from Melissa Kelley. Melissa M. Kelley is associate professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling and the faculty director of the Professional Ministry Practicum at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Mark your calendars!



Nave Gallery – Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
Special exhibit! The Nave Gallery, located in our building, will be holding a special show in October.  Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary, it’s called Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice and will be curated by our former pastor, Karl Gustafson. Please note Sunday, October 5th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. in your calendar, and plan to attend the opening!  Karl will be visiting the area for a week, and will be at the opening.

The Blues as Truth-Telling:  Scott Ainslie in Concert
Sunday, October 26th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act and civil rights today with noted blues historian and musician, Scott Ainslie.

5:00 p.m.:  Community Reception to meet the artist (free)
6:00 p.m.:  Concert and discussion ($10.00 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Scott Ainslie at

Oct 19, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “The Cost of Amazement”
Scripture: Matthew 22:15-22; First Thessalonians 1:1-10
Note in the gospel passage how those trying to trap Jesus hear themselves shamed in front of the crowd, and then he answers their question in a way that “amazes” them. I am struck by this notion of what is was like to be caught in the gaze of Jesus, and think they must have been shaken to their very core as to how they saw themselves. I think this is close to what many conversions are like, when someone begins to see themselves from the divine perspective, and yet somehow feel beloved in spite of it all. I am also remembering Bonhoeffer’s “Cost of Discipleship”, and think there is a cost to seeing oneself from this divine perspective…..

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, October 19th:  We will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Talk Poetry – Hear the Truth!
Poetry Jam hosted by Clint Smith, National Poetry Slam Champion
Come to the Social Justice Poetry Night to hear some powerful, inspiring words on the biggest issues plaguing our society. The event features Clint Smith, Alison Bwalya Erlwanger, Katerina Canyon, and local, young poets. All donations from the event go to the Center for Teen Empowerment (
5:00 pm: Community reception to meet the artists (free)
6:00 pm Performance by Clint Smith and area poets
$10 suggested donation to benefit the Center for Teen Empowerment in Somerville

The event is organized by the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church in collaboration with the Nave Gallery as part of the exhibition Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice. The show celebrates the 10-year partnership of the Nave and the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church in showing and supporting the work of hundreds of artists, while reinforcing a mutual commitment to strengthening the community through art activism. Truth Telling is a celebration of this partnership and an assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action.

Conversations on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 22nd: Introduction to the Watershed Discipleship Movement
What does Christian discipleship have to do with our local watershed, our farms and gardens, and the ecosystems on which all life depends?
The interlocking crises of deepening climate change, resource exhaustion, and social disparity are stalking our history. To truly face these crises is to commit ourselves, as Christians and citizens, to radical and urgent changes that are both profoundly political and personal. What are the perceptions and practices that center on ecological and economic resiliency, restoration, and renewal?
Anyone who is interested in the intersection of Christian spirituality and ecological restoration is encouraged to attend!
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!! Booklets available at the meetings.

Child Baptism
We will celebrate with joy the baptism of the son of Laura and Ryan Ma on Sunday, October 26th. May God’s blessings be with their family.



Nave Gallery – Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
Special exhibit! The Nave Gallery, located in our building, will be holding a special show in October.  Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary, it’s called Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice and will be curated by our former pastor, Karl Gustafson. Please note Sunday, October 5th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. in your calendar, and plan to attend the opening!  Karl will be visiting the area for a week, and will be at the opening.

The Blues as Truth-Telling:  Scott Ainslie in Concert
Sunday, October 26th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act and civil rights today with noted blues historian and musician, Scott Ainslie.

5:00 p.m.:  Community Reception to meet the artist (free)
6:00 p.m.:  Concert and discussion ($10.00 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Scott Ainslie at

Oct 12, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “Prayer from the Heart”

In our passage from Philippians this week, Paul tells people not to “worry about anything.” Paul must be a little crazy to think that it is possible not to worry. I certainly think that not to worry is one of the hardest commandments Paul could say to that ancient church and to us! As human beings, is it possible not to worry? Our prayers of the people time each week is evidence enough that opportunities to worry are not in short supply. We will focus this week on what God’s Word to us might say about prayer and peace. In preparation, I suggest reflecting on Paul’s statement that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds.
Scripture: Philippians 4:1-9

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

HONK!Fest Parade in Somerville
October 12th:  Join us to walk from the church to view the parade in Davis Square.  More information at

Fall Fellowship Event-Apple Picking and/or wine tasting!
Saturday, Oct. 18th, 1pm-Join us on Saturday October 18th at Nashoba Valley Winery in Bolton for Apple Picking and/or wine tasting! We will meet in front of the winery building at 1pm. Wine tasting is $6, and apple picking is $15 for a peck or $25 for a 1/2 bushel. If enough of us want to pick apples, we can split the cost of a bag. There are picnic tables on site that we can use to eat a snack or mingle. If anyone needs a ride please contact Jenny Herzig and we will set something up. Questions? Visit Nashoba’s website at or email Jenny Herzig

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, October 19th:  We will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Conversations on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 22nd: Introduction to the Watershed Discipleship Movement
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

Infant Baptism
We will celebrate with joy the baptism of the son of Laura and Ryan Ma on Sunday, October 26th. May God’s blessings be with their family.



A Flute is Not a Bird: A Recital of Natural Selections
Sunday, October 12th at 2:00 p.m.
with Kristen Dye. Contemporary music inspired by nature. Works by Forrest Pierce, Kaijo Saariaho, William Kenlon, David Farrell, Mark Dancigers, and George Crumb. Featuring the ridiculously talented Rachel Barringe.

Nave Gallery – Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
Special exhibit! The Nave Gallery, located in our building, will be holding a special show in October.  Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary, it’s called Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice and will be curated by our former pastor, Karl Gustafson. Please note Sunday, October 5th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. in your calendar, and plan to attend the opening!  Karl will be visiting the area for a week, and will be at the opening.

Talk Poetry – Hear the Truth! 
Sunday, October 19th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Poetry Jam hosted by Clint Smith, National Poetry Slam Champion. A high-energy evening of poetry on today’s critical social justice issues.
5:00 p.m.:  Community reception to meet the artists (free)
6:00 p.m.  Performance by Clint Smith and area poets ($10 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Clint Smith at

The Blues as Truth-Telling:  Scott Ainslie in Concert
Sunday, October 26th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act and civil rights today with noted blues historian and musician, Scott Ainslie.
5:00 p.m.:  Community Reception to meet the artist (free)
6:00 p.m.:  Concert and discussion ($10.00 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Scott Ainslie at

The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program
They are in need of several kitchen items at their Watertown apartment, including: uncoated, stainless steel pots and pans; a loaf pan; a glass measuring cup; and glass or plastic containers large enough to store flour/sugar/oats. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be brought to the church (leave in the Green Room or with Allen). Thank you! More information about the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program, an initiative of the Boston Presbytery can be found at
Sunday, October 12th is the HONK!Fest Parade in Somerville. Join us to walk from the church to view the parade in Davis Square. More information at

Oct 5, 2014 Announcements

Sunday, October 5th
Sermon: “Telling the Truth in the Vineyard”

In this story told by Jesus to the religious leaders in Jerusalem, the image of a vineyard that he uses (and used elsewhere in scripture) is one that reminds us that as the “people” of God (ethnos — used in this story) have new responsibilities and are co-creators with God in the life of this world. We are called to take care of those vineyards/fields/workplaces/families/communities/corporations/churches, etc. in which we are called individually and collectively to serve. As you study this passage, don’t assume the tenants are wicked to anyone else hearing the story as Jesus talks (only the religious leaders who had just challenged him)….

Join us for worship on Sunday, September 28th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Conversations  on Eco-Justice:

Wednesday, October 5th: Introduction to Ched Myers’ Sabbath Economics
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

World Communion – Peacemaking Offering

On Sunday, October 5th, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday.  We will also collect the Peacemaking Offering.  The Peacemaking Offering funds the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, enabling us to bring in International Peacemakers, hold conferences, and advocate for active nonviolent solutions to conflict.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) views peace as a core part of our identity and calling as believers. It is a central declaration of the gospel, calling us to model our lives in the pattern of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

The offering is used to inspire new approaches to active peacemaking, to equip God’s people to be compassionate and prophetic peacemakers, and to connect communities of peace in accompaniment, mutual learning and shared action for the transformation of the world.

Our congregation receives 25% of the fund collected to promote local and global peace and justice efforts.  This year we will support Grassroots International ( and a fund to aid Syrian refugees in Lebanon, run by the Near East Theological Seminary, based in Beirut.

Please participate in this offering and make this a time to renew your commitment and reaffirm your called to peacemaking. Together we can transform cultures of violence into communities of peace.

Nave Gallery – Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
Special exhibit! The Nave Gallery, located in our building, will be holding a special show in October.  Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary, it’s called Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice and will be curated by our former pastor, Karl Gustafson. Please note Sunday, October 5th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. in your calendar, and plan to attend the opening!  Karl will be visiting the area for a week, and will be at the opening.

Men’s Bible Study
Meeting at Panera Bread in Porter Square on Wednesday, October 8th at 6:30 p.m.

Session Meeting
The Session will meet on Wednesday, October 8th in the Green Room at 7:30 p.m.

Food Justice Sunday
Sunday, October 12th, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Discussion with the Young Adult Volunteers working for food justice throughout the Presbytery of Boston this year.  Public welcome.  More about the program at

HONK!Fest Parade in Somerville
October 12th:  Join us to walk from the church to view the parade in Davis Square.  More information at

Fall Fellowship Event-Apple Picking and/or wine tasting!
Saturday, Oct. 18th, 1pm-Join us on Saturday October 18th at Nashoba Valley Winery in Bolton for Apple Picking and/or wine tasting! We will meet in front of the winery building at 1pm. Wine tasting is $6, and apple picking is $15 for a peck or $25 for a 1/2 bushel. If enough of us want to pick apples, we can split the cost of a bag. There are picnic tables on site that we can use to eat a snack or mingle. If anyone needs a ride please contact Jenny Herzig and we will set something up. Questions? Visit Nashoba’s website at or email Jenny Herzig

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, October 19th:  We will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Talk Poetry – Hear the Truth! 
Sunday, October 19th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Poetry Jam hosted by Clint Smith, National Poetry Slam Champion. A high-energy evening of poetry on today’s critical social justice issues.
5:00 p.m.:  Community reception to meet the artists (free)
6:00 p.m.  Performance by Clint Smith and area poets ($10 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Clint Smith at

Conversations on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 22nd: Introduction to the Watershed Discipleship Movement
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

Baby Baptism
We will celebrate with joy the baptism of the son of Laura and Ryan Ma on Sunday, October 26th. May God’s blessings be with their family.

The Blues as Truth-Telling:  Scott Ainslie in Concert
Sunday, October 26th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act and civil rights today with noted blues historian and musician, Scott Ainslie.
5:00 p.m.:  Community Reception to meet the artist (free)
6:00 p.m.:  Concert and discussion ($10.00 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Scott Ainslie at

Greeting Card Collection
The Deacons are collecting greeting cards to send to church members/friends in need. We can especially use sympathy cards, and friendly “thinking of you” cards. We would like to create a collection so we can respond to needs more immediately. Please bring in unused cards and leave them in the container in the copy room if you would like to donate.

Sept 28, 2014 Announcements

 Sermon:  “Windows to Heaven”

At issue in this week’s passages are whether or not Jesus is a way of understanding and feeling God’s presence in the world (in an active way).  Is God active in the world?  How does this matter for our lives?
Scripture:  Matthew 21:23-32; Philippians 2:1-13

Join us for worship on Sunday, September 28th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Ministry Circle Fair
Sunday, September 28th: Ministry circle fair during coffee hour after the service. Last spring we put in place a new way to organize our ministry and operations in a way that will let us all thrive. Please come to the ministry circle fair to hear from the circle leaders about the exciting opportunities we have for you. You’ll get a chance to ask questions and find ways to engage in the work of the church.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet after coffee hour in the Green Room on Sunday, September 28th.

Conversations  on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 1st: Introduction to Ched Myers’ Sabbath Economics
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

Potluck Supper
At Sarah Donovan’s house, Friday, Oct 3rd, 7:00pm: Rev Karl Gustafson will be in town visiting and would like anybody who is available to come by and be part of the night. Please bring a dish to share, but if you are unable to bring a dish please bring yourself as I am sure we will have plenty of food/  We just ask that there be no nuts in the dishes that are brought due to allergies.
Please RSVP to Sarah and she will give you the address.

October 4th – You’re Invited for dinner!!
The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program has another Table Gathering fundraising dinner coming up on Saturday, October 4th from 4 -7 PM at Church of the Covenant in Boston. We will be introducing our new group of YAVs at this event! CHPC has two free tickets available, so please contact Allen if you would like to  Additional tickets are $50 per person or $80 per couple.  Can’t make it to dinner, but want to help out the YAVs??

They are in need of several kitchen items at their Watertown apartment, including: uncoated, stainless steel pots and pans; a loaf pan; a glass measuring cup; and glass or plastic containers large enough to store flour/sugar/oats. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be brought to the church (leave in the Green Room or with Allen). Thank you!  More information about the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program, an initiative of the Boston Presbytery can be found at

World Communion – Peacemaking Offering
On Sunday, October 5th, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday.  We will also collect the Peacemaking Offering.  The Peacemaking Offering funds the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, enabling us to bring in International Peacemakers, hold conferences, and advocate for active nonviolent solutions to conflict.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) views peace as a core part of our identity and calling as believers. It is a central declaration of the gospel, calling us to model our lives in the pattern of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

The offering is used to inspire new approaches to active peacemaking, to equip God’s people to be compassionate and prophetic peacemakers, and to connect communities of peace in accompaniment, mutual learning and shared action for the transformation of the world.

Our congregation receives 25% of the fund collected to promote local and global peace and justice efforts.  This year we will support Grassroots International ( and a fund to aid Syrian refugees in Lebanon, run by the Near East Theological Seminary, based in Beirut.

Please participate in this offering and make this a time to renew your commitment and reaffirm your called to peacemaking. Together we can transform cultures of violence into communities of peace.

Nave Gallery – Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
Special exhibit! The Nave Gallery, located in our building, will be holding a special show in October.  Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary, it’s called Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice and will be curated by our former pastor, Karl Gustafson. Please note Sunday, October 5th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. in your calendar, and plan to attend the opening!  Karl will be visiting the area for a week, and will be at the opening.

Food Justice Sunday
Sunday, October 12th, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Discussion with the Young Adult Volunteers working for food justice throughout the Presbytery of Boston this year.  Public welcome.  More about the program at

HONK!Fest Parade in Somerville
October 12th:  Join us to walk from the church to view the parade in Davis Square.  More information at

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, October 19th:  We will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Talk Poetry – Hear the Truth! 
Sunday, October 19th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Poetry Jam hosted by Clint Smith, National Poetry Slam Champion. A high-energy evening of poetry on today’s critical social justice issues.
5:00 p.m.:  Community reception to meet the artists (free)
6:00 p.m.  Performance by Clint Smith and area poets ($10 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Clint Smith at

Conversations on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 22nd: Introduction to the Watershed Discipleship Movement
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

The Blues as Truth-Telling:  Scott Ainslie in Concert
Sunday, October 26th, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act and civil rights today with noted blues historian and musician, Scott Ainslie.
5:00 p.m.:  Community Reception to meet the artist (free)
6:00 p.m.:  Concert and discussion ($10.00 suggested donation)
Public welcome!  More information about Scott Ainslie at

Greeting Card Collection
The Deacons are collecting greeting cards to send to church members/friends in need. We can especially use sympathy cards, and friendly “thinking of you” cards. We would like to create a collection so we can respond to needs more immediately. Please bring in unused cards and leave them in the container in the copy room if you would like to donate.

Sept 21, 2014 Announcements

Sermon:  “Go into the Vineyard”
I believe in this passage Jesus is trying to get at the heart of what it means to be a Christian.  We are invited to go work in the vineyard, apparently with little thought of reward (or at least more reward than needed to survive).  It is somewhat problematic to equate the landowner with God in this parable, but the landowner (actually house-despot in the Greek, usually a title for a foreign landowner) does seem to be trying to make real something about the new relationships we enter into as part of the church universal.  I think Jesus was also trying to reveal to his listeners something about our fallen nature, and how we can overcome it.
Scripture:  Matthew 20:1-16

Join us for worship on Sunday, September 21st at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Church Work Day
Collecting and disposing of random items spread throughout the church. The work day is on Saturday, September 27th from 9:00 a.m.- noon. If you plan to attend or have any questions please contact Josh Herzig (

Ministry Circle Fair
Sunday, September 28th: Ministry circle fair during coffee hour after the service. Last spring we put in place a new way to organize our ministry and operations in a way that will let us all thrive. Please come to the ministry circle fair to hear from the circle leaders about the exciting opportunities we have for you. You’ll get a chance to ask questions and find ways to engage in the work of the church.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet after coffee hour in the Green Room on Sunday, September 28th.

Conversations  on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 1st: Introduction to Ched Myers’ Sabbath Economics
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

Potluck Supper
At Sarah Donovan’s house, Friday, Oct 3rd, 7:00pm: Rev Karl Gustafson will be in town visiting and would like anybody who is available to come by and be part of the night. Please bring a dish to share, but if you are unable to bring a dish please bring yourself as I am sure we will have plenty of food/  We just ask that there be no nuts in the dishes that are brought due to allergies.
Please RSVP to Sarah and she will give you the address.

October 4th – You’re Invited for dinner!!
The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program has another Table Gathering fundraising dinner coming up on Saturday, October 4th from 4 -7 PM at Church of the Covenant in Boston. We will be introducing our new group of YAVs at this event! CHPC has two free tickets available, so please contact Allen if you would like to  Additional tickets are $50 per person or $80 per couple.  Can’t make it to dinner, but want to help out the YAVs??

They are in need of several kitchen items at their Watertown apartment, including: uncoated, stainless steel pots and pans; a loaf pan; a glass measuring cup; and glass or plastic containers large enough to store flour/sugar/oats. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be brought to the church (leave in the Green Room or with Allen). Thank you!  More information about the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program, an initiative of the Boston Presbytery can be found at

World Communion – Peacemaking Offering 
Collected on Sunday, October 5th

Nave Gallery – Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
Special exhibit! The Nave Gallery, located in our building, will be holding a special show in October.  Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary, it’s called Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice and will be curated by our former pastor, Karl Gustafson. Please note Sunday, October 5th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. in your calendar, and plan to attend the opening!  Karl will be visiting the area for a week, and will be at the opening.

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, October 19th:  We will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Conversations on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 22nd: Introduction to the Watershed Discipleship Movement
Gathering begins at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

Greeting Card Collection
The Deacons are collecting greeting cards to send to church members/friends in need. We can especially use sympathy cards, and friendly “thinking of you” cards. We would like to create a collection so we can respond to needs more immediately. Please bring in unused cards and leave them in the container in the copy room if you would like to donate.

Learn to Talk: Engaging Art, Community, and Social Justice

Join us in celebrating art activism and social change in our community!



10:30 am | World Communion Sunday
The annual Peacemaking Offering will be taken during worship.

3-5 pm | Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice*
Opening Reception in celebration of the Nave Gallery’s 10th anniversary!
*Exhibit curated by Rev. Karl Gustafson. Runs Sat-Sun, 1-5 pm through Nov 5.



10:30 am – 12:30 pm | Eco-Justice Sunday
Worship service, potluck, and an introduction to Sabbath Economics.

6:30 – 8 pm | The Conversation on Eco-Justice Continues
Feast, worship, and learn about the Watershed Discipleship Movement.



5 – 8 pm | Talk Poetry – Hear the Truth!
Poetry Jam hosted by Clint Smith, National Poetry Slam Champion
$10 suggested donation



5 – 8 pm | The Blues as Truth-Telling: Scott Ainslie in Concert
Blues historian and musician Scott Ainslie performs live.
$10 suggested donation |



All events are FREE and open to the public! Most also feature free child care.
Proceeds benefit the Center for Teen Empowerment in Somerville.

Sept 14, 2014 Announcements

Sermon:  Keeping the Faith
Why is God so interested in forgiveness?  In this story, a continuation of last week’s gospel lesson, we find another image of the relentlessness of God in defending the norm of reconciliation/forgiveness.  As people of faith, do we realize how God has forgiven us (freed us may be a better term here)?   Do we realize what it means to enact a culture of forgiveness with our neighbors?
Scripture:  Matthew 18:21-35

Join us for worship on Sunday, September 14th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Welcome Back Sunday Potluck
Sunday, September 14th::  We want to welcome back everyone from their summer vacations, jobs, internships, and adventures!  We will have several speakers for our program.  Regina Baiden worked at the United Nations Women’s Peace and Security Unit in New York City this summer.  A Ghanaian graduate student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, she is especially interested in policies related to the rights and economic empowerment of women and girls.  Her internship focused on research and communication for several programs. Rev. Allen Fairfax   attended a conference in June that covered Sabbath Economics and Watershed Discipleship.  He’ll introduce both concepts, and then detail the Adult Education programs focused on them that will begin in October. After graduating from the College of Wooster in 2013, Catherine Gillette worked for a year as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. In Texas, she did community organizing with low-income workers in the construction industry.  Last month she moved to Boston to work as the Site Coordinator of the Boston Food Justice YAV program.  We’ll hear more about the specific churches and groups for this year from Catherine.  Mark Hoover, who is also a student at the Fletcher School, spent his summer in the West African nation of Burkina Faso.  We’ll hear about his work there. For the potluck, please bring an appetizer, soup, salad, side dish, main dish, dessert or beverage to share.  No nuts please, as we have folks with severe nut allergies.  If you have questions, please contact Ellen. (

Work Day at Church
Church work day to collect and dispose of random items spread throughout the church. The work day is on Saturday, September 27th from 9:00 a.m.- noon. If you plan to attend or have any questions please contact Josh Herzig (

Ministry Circle
Sunday, September 28th: Ministry circle fair during coffee hour after the service. Last spring we put in place a new way to organize our ministry and operations in a way that will let us all thrive. Please come to the ministry circle fair to hear from the circle leaders about the exciting opportunities we have for you. You’ll get a chance to ask questions and find ways to engage in the work of the church.

Conversations  on Eco-Justice:
Wednesday, October 1st: Introduction to Ched Myers’ Sabbath Economics
Wednesday, October 22nd: Introduction to the Watershed Discipleship Movement
Gatherings begin at 6:30,ending at 8:00 p.m. in the Green Room.
Public Welcome!!   Booklets available at the meetings.

World Communion – Peacemaking Offering 
Collected on Sunday, October 5th

Nave Gallery – Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice
Special exhibit! The Nave Gallery, located in our building, will be holding a special show in October.  Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary, it’s called Truth Telling: Art in Search of Social Justice and will be curated by our former pastor, Karl Gustafson. Please note Sunday, October 5th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. in your calendar, and plan to attend the opening!  Karl will be visiting the area for a week, and will be at the opening.

Deacons Greeting Card Collection
The Deacons are collecting greeting cards to send to church members/friends in need. We can especially use sympathy cards, and friendly “thinking of you” cards. We would like to create a collection so we can respond to needs more immediately. Please bring in unused cards and leave them in the container in the copy room if you would like to donate.