Feb 29, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Food Justice as a Sacramental Act”
As we celebrate the ministry of our Young Adult Volunteers this Sunday (and their ministry around Food Justice), it is good to focus on what it means for us to gather around the Table for Communion Sunday. I think in the passage from First Corinthians this week, it is not an accident that Paul simply reminds the Corinthian church that Jesus said “This is my body that is for you” — not, as we usually hear it, “that is broken for you” … Paul’s version raises questions about who constitutes the “body of Christ” and what is being given to each of us. As always, we serve a God of grace, and the Table is at the least a reminder of the greatest gift that Christ has offered to us.
Scripture: First Corinthians 11:17-34

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Coffee Hour with Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers
Come to coffee hour on March 1st to hear from our Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers, Hope Seggelink and Amanda Moak. They will share some of their knowledge and experiences about their time here, and the work they are doing.
The Young Adult Volunteer program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) provides young adults with the opportunity to spend a year in full-time mission service while living in intentional community. There are sites across the United States and around the world.
The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer (BFJYAV) Program gives young adults the opportunity to engage in the mission of Presbytery congregations and their partner non-profits to secure healthy and sustainable food for all people. YAVs are intended to serve as catalysts of connectional partnerships for either the development of new relationships between congregations and non-profit organizations in their community, or to bring new life to pre-existing partnerships of the same nature.
Hope is serving with the Church of the Covenant and the Women’s Lunch Place (a day shelter for women) in Boston. Amanda is serving with the Presbyterian Church in Burlington, People Helping People (a food pantry), and the Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation.

Worship Location
Please note that we are worshiping in the basement fellowship area of the church (over by the kitchen) due to work that is taking place in the sanctuary.

Somerville Early Head Start: Emergency Food Pantry
This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, so we will be collecting food for the emergency food pantry run by Somerville Early Head Start. You can deposit your non-perishable items in the baskets in the entry, outside the sanctuary doors. Thanks for helping to reduce food scarcity in Somerville.

Fellowship Event: Christian Rock Concert
The christian rock band Red (www.redmusiconline.com) is playing a concert at the Palladium in Worcester on Sunday, 3/1/15 @ 6 PM. Several church members are going to go. If you are interested in attending, please contact Josh (joshua.herzig@gmail.com).
Event Details: http://www.thepalladium.net/event/768619-red-worcester/

Adult Education Group
Next Sunday on March 8th, the Adult Education group will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. Everyone is welcome to join!

CHPC Bible Study
The Clarendon Hill Bible Study will meet at Mr. Crepe in Davis Square on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. (Please note change in date and location.) For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, March 11th at 7:30 p.m.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, March 13th. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Deacons Meeting
The Deacons will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour on Sunday, March 22nd

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Feb 22, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Servant Leadership”
Scripture: Mark 1:29-34

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Deacon Meeting
The Deacons will meet during coffee hour on Sunday, February 22nd.

Somerville Early Head Start: Emergency Food Pantry
Beginning this month, on the first Sunday of every month, we will be collecting food for the emergency food pantry run by Somerville Early Head Start. You can deposit your non-perishable items in the baskets in the entry, outside the sanctuary doors. Thanks for helping to reduce food scarcity in Somerville.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Fellowship Event: Christian Rock Concert
The christian rock band Red (www.redmusiconline.com) is playing a concert at the Palladium in Worcester on Sunday, 3/1/15 @ 6 PM. Several church members are going to go. If you are interested in attending, please contact Josh (joshua.herzig@gmail.com).
Event Details: http://www.thepalladium.net/event/768619-red-worcester/

CHPC Bible Study
The Clarendon Hill Bible Study will meet at Mr. Crepe in Davis Square on Thursday, March 5th at 6:30 p.m. (Please note change in date and location.) For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, March 11th at 7:30 p.m.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, March 13th. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Feb 08, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Singing in the Gospel Choir”
Scripture: First Corinthians 12:1-11
Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Adult Education Study
“An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.”
Sunday, February 8th, after coffee hour.
Buechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the season of epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.
Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

New Leaders
This week, Chris Roll and Diana Santiago will be ordained and installed to the office of Elder, serving for a three year term. Paul Beran will also be installed for a three year term of service. Currently serving elders on Session include Liz Cavano, Josh Herzig and Craig Milanesi. We heartily thank Ruth Allen, Ellen Schemerhorn and Randy Winchester for their years of service on Session.

Next week, on Sunday, February 15th we will install the Deacons. Ellen Schemerhorn will be installed to the office of Deacon, serving for one year. Also to be installed as Deacons for a one year term of service are Anne Camelio, Jenny Herzig, Kevin Kim and Salam Lebbos. We heartily thank Val Donovan for her many years of service as a Deacon.

Somerville Early Head Start: Emergency Food Pantry
Beginning this month, on the first Sunday of every month, we will be collecting food for the emergency food pantry run by Somerville Early Head Start. You can deposit your non-perishable items in the baskets in the entry, outside the sanctuary doors. Thanks for helping to reduce food scarcity in Somerville.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 13. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Worship Location
Please note that beginning on Sunday, February 15th, we will be worshiping in the basement fellowship area of the church (over by the kitchen) due to work that will be taking place in the sanctuary.

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. Please join us as we begin our journey in to Lent.

CHPC Bible Study
The Clarendon Hill Bible Study will meet at Mr. Crepe in Davis Square on Thursday, February 19th at 6:30 p.m. (Please note change in date and location.) For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Fellowship Event: Christian Rock Concert
The christian rock band Red (www.redmusiconline.com) is playing a concert at the Palladium in Worcester on Sunday, 3/1/15 @ 6 PM. Several church members are going to go. If you are interested in attending, please contact Josh (joshua.herzig@gmail.com).
Event Details: http://www.thepalladium.net/event/768619-red-worcester/

Feb 01, 2015 Announcements

Guest Preacher
We welcome the Rev. Patricia Budd Kepler as our guest preacher and worship leader this coming Sunday. We also welcome the Rev. Thomas Kepler. The Keplers have a decades-long relationship with Clarendon Hill. Pat was the pastor here before Karl Gustafson, and she recently served as Interim University Chaplain at Tufts Tom served here before Pat did, and he was also a valuable member of the choir. Pat and Tom currently serve as pastors at First Presbyterian Church in Waltham. It is always a blessing to have them with us.
Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

New Leaders
Last week we elected some of our leaders for the next few years. Ellen Schemerhorn will be installed to the office of Deacon, serving for one year. Also to be installed as Deacons for a one year term of service are Anne Camelio, Jenny Herzig, Kevin Kim and Salam Lebbos. We heartily thank Val Donovan for her many years of service as a Deacon.
Chris Roll and Diana Santiago will be ordained and installed to the office of Elder, serving for a three year term. Paul Beran will also be installed for a three year term of service. Currently serving elders on Session include Liz Cavano, Josh Herzig and Craig Milanesi. We heartily thank Ruth Allen, Ellen Schemerhorn and Randy Winchester for their years of service on Session.

Somerville Early Head Start: Emergency Food Pantry
Beginning this month, on the first Sunday of every month, we will be collecting food for the emergency food pantry run by Somerville Early Head Start. You can deposit your non-perishable items in the baskets in the entry, outside the sanctuary doors. Thanks for helping to reduce food scarcity in Somerville.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

The Men’s Bible Study
Meeting at Panera Bread in Porter Square on Wednesday, February 4th at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Adult Education Study
“An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.”
Sunday, February 8th, after coffee hour.
Buechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the season of epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.

Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 13. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. Please join us as we begin our journey in to Lent.

Jan 25, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “If You See a Good Fight, Get in It”
Scripture: Mark 1:14-20; Jonah 3:1-5, 10
The sermon this week is about how we are called as Christians to engage the world, and the kind of world we are asked to lift up for people. The sermon title is a quote from the Rev. Vernon Johns.
Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Annual Meeting
We will hold our annual congregational meeting after church, on Sunday, January 25th. We will have a potluck lunch after the service, and then conduct the meeting. For the potluck, please bring an appetizer, soup, salad, main dish, side dish, dessert or beverage to share.
This is the time when we look back on 2014 to note what we have accomplished, elect officers, elders and deacons, and approve a budget for 2015. We will also look forward to begin to decide what we would like to accomplish during the coming year. All are welcome to attend and participate, but only church members may vote on church business.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

The Men’s Bible Study
Meeting at Panera Bread in Porter Square on Wednesday, February 4th at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Adult Education Study
“An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.”
Sunday, February 8th, after coffee hour.
Buechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the season of epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.

Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 13. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. Please join us as we begin our journey in to Lent.

Jan 18, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Under the Fig Tree: A Vision of Peace”
Scripture: John 1:43-51
The fact that Nathana-el was sitting under a fig tree was significant for his encounter with the Christ (cf. Micah 4:1-4; a vision of peace). And it is very significant that Jesus told him that he “saw” him – a very key Greek word in the New Testament. What did Jesus see about this man that made him astonished to see Jesus? What does Jesus see in us What does this vignette tell us about peace of Christ for our world?

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

Adult Education Study
Sunday, January 18th, After coffee hour in the Green Room: “An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.” Buechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the season of epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.
Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

The Men’s Bible Study
Meeting at Panera Bread in Porter Square on Wednesday, January 21st at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Annual Congregational Meeting
Mark your calendars now for Sunday, January 25th. We will have a potluck lunch after the service, and then conduct the meeting. This is the time when we look back on 2014 to note what we have accomplished, elect officers, elders and deacons, and approve a budget for 2015. We will also look forward to begin to decide what we would like to accomplish during the coming year.

Dec 21, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “Utter Trust”
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
Second Samuel 7:1-11, 16
Comments: I have been struck in preparing for this week’s message about Mary’s utter trust in what was happening. Nothing reluctant is happening here. It would not have been lost on any listeners of this story in the ancient world that she was perhaps as young as 12 years old. But somehow she was struck by God’s Presence in a way that inspired a great trust in her about what was going to happen. An incredible experience of grace enshrouded her, and she knew something essential about God and how God relates to us. Let us explore this passage, and God’s transforming power for us, this coming Sunday.

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

The Advent Meditations are here…
Pick up your copy in the narthex, or check our Facebook page to read them daily!

Advent/Epiphany Study
“An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.”
uechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the seasons of advent and epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.
Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

Times: From 7 to 8:15 p.m. In the Green Room
Wednesday, December 3rd (focus on chapter 1)
Wednesday, Dec. 17th (focus on chapter 2 — tragedy)
Wednesday, Jan. 7th (focus on chapter 3 — comedy)
Wednesday, Jan. 21st (focus on chapter 4 — fairy tale)

The Christmas Joy Offering
Collecting on Sunday, December 21st. A gift to the Christmas Joy Offering helps provide financial assistance to current and former church workers and their families and also enables deserving students to attend Presbyterian-related racial ethnic colleges and schools. Please give as generously as you are able.

Christmas Eve Service
Wednesday, December 24th at 4:00 p.m. Child are welcome in the service, but childcare will be available as well. We invite you to join us for cookies, beverages, and fellowship in the Nave Gallery (next door to the sanctuary) right after the service.

Session Meeting
The Session will meet on Wednesday, January 14th in the Green Room at 7:30 p.m.

Dec 14, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “Shocked and __________ “
Scripture: Luke 1:46-555
In Mary’s song about God, she is shocked in so many ways by what God has promised to do through her, and what she sees about God’s actions and presence in the world. Many commentaries link this passage to the theme of Christianity and the “great reversal” scriptures that fill the pages of Luke’s gospel. Mary is overwhelmed, shocked by what is happening. I am realizing as I work on this passage this week that the term “shock” gets linked with all kinds of words in the press and in the general culture. One can think of “shock and awe” as a military strategy during the first Gulf War, for example. Mary’s shocked feeling is connected to joy and rejoicing at what she saw that God was doing with her and for her community, etc. Can we capture some of that sense of joy and rejoicing for ourselves this Christmas? What is it that would bring us to a state of rejoicing?

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

The Advent Meditations are here…
Pick up your copy in the narthex, or check our Facebook page to read them daily!

Nomination Committee
The second meeting of the Nominating Committee will be on in the Green Room on Sunday, December 14th, after the coffee hour.

Somerville families need our help – Christmas gifts for Early Head Start
For several years, CHPC has partnered with the Somerville Early Head Start to sponsor families for Christmas, purchasing presents for them. This year Early Head Start is experiencing a 25% increase in the number of local families requesting support, making our help vital for our neighbors to enjoy the holiday. Starting on November 23rd, please look for the mini-tree in the back of the sanctuary and choose one or more slips of paper with gift requests/suggestions. We will collect the gifts at church and have a wrapping party during coffee hour on December 14th. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Val (mabel312@aol.com) or Ruth (ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com)

Advent/Epiphany Study
“An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.”
uechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the seasons of advent and epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.
Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

Times: From 7 to 8:15 p.m. In the Green Room
Wednesday, December 3rd (focus on chapter 1)
Wednesday, Dec. 17th (focus on chapter 2 — tragedy)
Wednesday, Jan. 7th (focus on chapter 3 — comedy)
Wednesday, Jan. 21st (focus on chapter 4 — fairy tale)

The Christmas Joy Offering
Collecting on Sunday, December 21st. A gift to the Christmas Joy Offering helps provide financial assistance to current and former church workers and their families and also enables deserving students to attend Presbyterian-related racial ethnic colleges and schools. Please give as generously as you are able.

Christmas Eve Service
Wednesday, December 24th 4:00 p.m.

Session Meeting
The Session will meet on Wednesday, January 14th in the Green Room at 7:30 p.m.



Illuminated: A Photographic Essay of Holiday Lights
EXHIBITION DATES: November 15, 2014-December 14, 2014 (Closed Thanksgiving weekend)
GALLERY HOURS: Saturday and Sunday, 1:00-5:00 pm (Closed Thanksgiving Weekend)
ARTISTS: Jim Baab Jr., Zsolt Bátori, Kelly Burgess, Greg Cook, Melissa Eder, Ileana Doble Hernandez, MaryAnne Hinkle, Bill Kouwenhoven, Rachel Mello, H.D. Motyl, Lenny Rigione, Robert Thurlow, V Van Sant, Jill Waterman

The Eighth Annual Good Cheer Festival
DATE & TIME: Sunday, December 14, 7 PM
LOCATION: Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church (Teele Square), 155 Powderhouse Blvd, Somerville, MA
ADMISSION FEE: Free ($5-$10 suggested donation benefits the Nave Gallery)
Now in its eighth year, the Good Cheer Festival returns to Boston. Hosted in the beautiful Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church, home to the Nave Gallery, this is a heartwarming event for the whole family. There will be carols, stories, cookies and nog. Come ready to sing, smile and, please, dress the part; there is a prize for the best holiday sweaters!

Nov 23, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “Got Milk?”
Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46
There are 2 images being drawn upon by Jesus in telling this story of the “final judgment”… The first relates to the notion in the book of Leviticus of the sins of the people being confessed and placed on the head of a goat that is sent into the wilderness — the scapegoat in our modern culture. There are 2 goats in Leviticus, one is offered as a purity offering to God, and the other is sent out. The second image has to do with a shepherd separating the sheep and goats in order to shear the sheep and milk the goats. In this case, the goats obviously did not provide “milk” / nourishment, etc., for those in need. Both allusions are present in this story told by Jesus. Questions: Is Jesus/Matthew in this scripture suggesting eternal damnation for those who don’t practice (what we would call) charity? I want to say, “not exactly”. Thus, I want to explore this week the notion of “sin” (exemplified by the list offered by the “king” to the “goats”) as a sign. What evidence (or signs) do we show that Christ is present and alive in our lives? What kind of people has God made us into if we practice the sorts of actions listed in this scripture? What is happening at the final judgment to all the “sin” in the world?

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Potluck and Program: “Grief and Loss: A Spiritual Challenge”
Sunday, November 16th – We’ll have a potluck meal after the service and then a presentation from Melissa Kelley. Melissa M. Kelley is associate professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling and the faculty director of the Professional Ministry Practicum at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Mark your calendars!

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, November 16th: We will meet in the Green Room after our potluck and program. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Make-a-Wish Benefit Concert featuring The Cambridge String Quartet!
Sunday Nov. 16th, 2pm – Come see CHPC’s own violinist Jenny Herzig perform with her quartet and support Make-a-Wish of Massachusetts and Rhode Island! The event will take place right here at Clarendon Hill! Tickets are $14 for adults and $4 for kids. There will also be a raffle and reception afterward. 80% of net ticket sales and 100% of raffle sales will all go to Make-a-Wish. The quartet will perform a Beethoven string quartet and some tango, samba, and mambo music! For more information and to purchase tickets please visithttp://www.cambridgequartet.com/events.html or contact Jenny Herzig.

What a blanket can do!
CHPC’s annual support to Church World Service, November 23rd
For the third year in a row, CHPC is raising funds to support the work of Church World Service through their “Blankets and Tools” initiative. Contributions mean Church World Service will be ready to help families here in the U.S. and around the world recover from disasters and displacement by providing blankets, as well as the tools and training to rebuild sustainable communities. CHPC joins over 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. in holding “Blankets and Tools” events and we can’t do it without your support. Please join us during worship on Sunday, November 23rd in giving generously to this important mission. For more information, visithttp://www.cwsglobal.org/get-involved/cws-blankets/ Have questions or can’t be there on November 23rd, but want to contribute? Please talk with Ruth or email Ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com Thank you!

The Advent Meditations are coming…
As part of our tradition at Clarendon Hill, we will be producing another booklet of Advent Meditations from members and friends of the church, based on the Advent season lectionary. Craig Milanesi and Jaja Kumpa will be seeking volunteers to sign up for a 1 – 3 paragraph reflection or some creative artwork relative to the reading, this Sunday, November 16th, during fellowship. If you won’t be at church on the 16th, but would like to participate, please contact Craig. (craze@mit.edu) The deadline for submissions will be Sunday, November 23rd (and last minute submissions no later than Wednesday, November 26).We hope to have the printed versions on Sunday, November 30th.

Somerville families need our help – Christmas gifts for Early Head Start
For several years, CHPC has partnered with the Somerville Early Head Start to sponsor families for Christmas, purchasing presents for them. This year Early Head Start is experiencing a 25% increase in the number of local families requesting support, making our help vital for our neighbors to enjoy the holiday. Starting on November 23rd, please look for the mini-tree in the back of the sanctuary and choose one or more slips of paper with gift requests/suggestions. We will collect the gifts at church and have a wrapping party during coffee hour on December 14th. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Val (mabel312@aol.com) or Ruth (ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com)

Advent/Epiphany Study
“An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.”
uechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the seasons of advent and epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.
Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

Times: From 7 to 8:15 p.m. In the Green Room
Wednesday, December 3rd (focus on chapter 1)
Wednesday, Dec. 17th (focus on chapter 2 — tragedy)
Wednesday, Jan. 7th (focus on chapter 3 — comedy)
Wednesday, Jan. 21st (focus on chapter 4 — fairy tale)

Advent Fellowship Event/ Potluck
Please join us on Saturday, December 6th for a trip toZoolights at the Stone Zoo followed by a potluck dinner. Zoolights is a winter wonderland of tree lined paths decorated with holiday lights. In addition to being able to see some of the animals of the Yukon Creek section of the zoo, there is also Santa’s Castle, along with fairy tale characters and dancing plush animals.
Tickets cost $7 or $6 for Zoo New England members. Children under 2 years old are free. Tickets can be purchased online athttp://www.zoonewengland.org/engage/zoolights or at the zoo.
We will meet at the Stone Zoo, 149 Pond Street, Stoneham, MA at 5pm. After enjoying Zoolights, we will travel to Josh and Jenny’s House for the potluck (~6:30 PM). Feel free to attend one or both parts of the evening. For more information, or if you would like to carpool, please email Jenny at jnherzig2@gmail.com. See you there!

Wrapping Party during Coffee Hour
December 14th – Join as we wrap gifts for the members of the families we are sponsoring through Somerville Early Head Start.

Christmas Eve Service
December 24th-  4:00 p.m.



Wrap Around Sale: A sale of handmade knitted, crocheted, and sewn goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition.
Dessert Reception: Kick off our annual sale on a sweet note! Live music by Amy Kucharik, on Sunday, November 16th, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sale Dates: November 15-December 14, 2014, Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving weekend
Midnight Madness at Davis Square:
Thursday, December 4, 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.
For more info, see navegallery.org

Illuminated: A Photographic Essay of Holiday Lights
EXHIBITION DATES: November 15, 2014-December 14, 2014 (Closed Thanksgiving weekend)
GALLERY HOURS: Saturday and Sunday, 1:00-5:00 pm (Closed Thanksgiving Weekend)
ARTISTS: Jim Baab Jr., Zsolt Bátori, Kelly Burgess, Greg Cook, Melissa Eder, Ileana Doble Hernandez, MaryAnne Hinkle, Bill Kouwenhoven, Rachel Mello, H.D. Motyl, Lenny Rigione, Robert Thurlow, V Van Sant, Jill Waterman

The Eighth Annual Good Cheer Festival
DATE & TIME: Sunday, December 14, 7 PM
LOCATION: Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church (Teele Square), 155 Powderhouse Blvd, Somerville, MA
ADMISSION FEE: Free ($5-$10 suggested donation benefits the Nave Gallery)
Now in its eighth year, the Good Cheer Festival returns to Boston. Hosted in the beautiful Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church, home to the Nave Gallery, this is a heartwarming event for the whole family. There will be carols, stories, cookies and nog. Come ready to sing, smile and, please, dress the part; there is a prize for the best holiday sweaters!

Nov 16, 2014 Announcements

Sermon: “Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself”
Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
In this parable told by Jesus, we learn something about fear in a world where there is plenty to which one can focus his/her fear. Why was the third slave afraid? Why did the master respond so harshly? What are the things about our lives that generate fear? Are fear and faith connected?

Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Potluck and Program: “Grief and Loss: A Spiritual Challenge”
Sunday, November 16th – We’ll have a potluck meal after the service and then a presentation from Melissa Kelley. Melissa M. Kelley is associate professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling and the faculty director of the Professional Ministry Practicum at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Mark your calendars!

Prayer Meeting
Sunday, November 16th: We will meet in the Green Room after our potluck and program. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Make-a-Wish Benefit Concert featuring The Cambridge String Quartet!
Sunday Nov. 16th, 2pm – Come see CHPC’s own violinist Jenny Herzig perform with her quartet and support Make-a-Wish of Massachusetts and Rhode Island! The event will take place right here at Clarendon Hill! Tickets are $14 for adults and $4 for kids. There will also be a raffle and reception afterward. 80% of net ticket sales and 100% of raffle sales will all go to Make-a-Wish. The quartet will perform a Beethoven string quartet and some tango, samba, and mambo music! For more information and to purchase tickets please visithttp://www.cambridgequartet.com/events.html or contact Jenny Herzig.

What a blanket can do!
CHPC’s annual support to Church World Service, November 23rd
For the third year in a row, CHPC is raising funds to support the work of Church World Service through their “Blankets and Tools” initiative. Contributions mean Church World Service will be ready to help families here in the U.S. and around the world recover from disasters and displacement by providing blankets, as well as the tools and training to rebuild sustainable communities. CHPC joins over 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. in holding “Blankets and Tools” events and we can’t do it without your support. Please join us during worship on Sunday, November 23rd in giving generously to this important mission. For more information, visithttp://www.cwsglobal.org/get-involved/cws-blankets/ Have questions or can’t be there on November 23rd, but want to contribute? Please talk with Ruth or email Ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com Thank you!

The Advent Meditations are coming…
As part of our tradition at Clarendon Hill, we will be producing another booklet of Advent Meditations from members and friends of the church, based on the Advent season lectionary. Craig Milanesi and Jaja Kumpa will be seeking volunteers to sign up for a 1 – 3 paragraph reflection or some creative artwork relative to the reading, this Sunday, November 16th, during fellowship. If you won’t be at church on the 16th, but would like to participate, please contact Craig. (craze@mit.edu) The deadline for submissions will be Sunday, November 23rd (and last minute submissions no later than Wednesday, November 26).We hope to have the printed versions on Sunday, November 30th.

Somerville families need our help – Christmas gifts for Early Head Start
For several years, CHPC has partnered with the Somerville Early Head Start to sponsor families for Christmas, purchasing presents for them. This year Early Head Start is experiencing a 25% increase in the number of local families requesting support, making our help vital for our neighbors to enjoy the holiday. Starting on November 23rd, please look for the mini-tree in the back of the sanctuary and choose one or more slips of paper with gift requests/suggestions. We will collect the gifts at church and have a wrapping party during coffee hour on December 14th. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Val (mabel312@aol.com) or Ruth (ruth.rhoads.allen@gmail.com)

Advent Fellowship Event/ Potluck
Please join us on Saturday, December 6th for a trip toZoolights at the Stone Zoo followed by a potluck dinner. Zoolights is a winter wonderland of tree lined paths decorated with holiday lights. In addition to being able to see some of the animals of the Yukon Creek section of the zoo, there is also Santa’s Castle, along with fairy tale characters and dancing plush animals.
Tickets cost $7 or $6 for Zoo New England members. Children under 2 years old are free. Tickets can be purchased online athttp://www.zoonewengland.org/engage/zoolights or at the zoo.
We will meet at the Stone Zoo, 149 Pond Street, Stoneham, MA at 5pm. After enjoying Zoolights, we will travel to Josh and Jenny’s House for the potluck (~6:30 PM). Feel free to attend one or both parts of the evening. For more information, or if you would like to carpool, please email Jenny at jnherzig2@gmail.com. See you there!

Wrapping Party during Coffee Hour
December 14th – Join as we wrap gifts for the members of the families we are sponsoring through Somerville Early Head Start.

Christmas Eve Service
December 24th-  4:00 p.m.



Wrap Around Sale: A sale of handmade knitted, crocheted, and sewn goods to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition.
Dessert Reception: Kick off our annual sale on a sweet note! Live music by Amy Kucharik, on Sunday, November 16th, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sale Dates: November 15-December 14, 2014, Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving weekend
Midnight Madness at Davis Square:
Thursday, December 4, 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.
For more info, see navegallery.org