Feb 08, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Singing in the Gospel Choir”
Scripture: First Corinthians 12:1-11
Join us for worship on Sunday, October 12th at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Adult Education Study
“An Exploration of Frederick Buechner’s Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.”
Sunday, February 8th, after coffee hour.
Buechner, a Presbyterian minister, has written many books that have influenced both lay and clergy over these last few decades. He has an engaging way of helping us to see the extraordinary aspects of our ordinary lives. In this volume, we can explore the gospel through the lenses of tragedy (of God’s seeming absence), comedy (of God’s unpredictability and unexpectedness), and of fairy tale (of God’s “too good to be true” truth). During the season of epiphany, when we seek to be intentionally open to the ways that God’s Light is present for us, let us use Buechner’s offering here to deepen our ability to see God at work in our too often humdrum, humbug lives.
Book Availability: A few books will be ordered. Please let Allen know if you would like one of these books or will be finding your own copy.

New Leaders
This week, Chris Roll and Diana Santiago will be ordained and installed to the office of Elder, serving for a three year term. Paul Beran will also be installed for a three year term of service. Currently serving elders on Session include Liz Cavano, Josh Herzig and Craig Milanesi. We heartily thank Ruth Allen, Ellen Schemerhorn and Randy Winchester for their years of service on Session.

Next week, on Sunday, February 15th we will install the Deacons. Ellen Schemerhorn will be installed to the office of Deacon, serving for one year. Also to be installed as Deacons for a one year term of service are Anne Camelio, Jenny Herzig, Kevin Kim and Salam Lebbos. We heartily thank Val Donovan for her many years of service as a Deacon.

Somerville Early Head Start: Emergency Food Pantry
Beginning this month, on the first Sunday of every month, we will be collecting food for the emergency food pantry run by Somerville Early Head Start. You can deposit your non-perishable items in the baskets in the entry, outside the sanctuary doors. Thanks for helping to reduce food scarcity in Somerville.

New Hymnal Donations
Our new “Glory to God” hymnals are here! If you’d like to help “give our congregation the gift of song”, you ‘ll find envelopes out on the table in the narthex. For a $20.00 donation, you can help to pay for a hymnal, and have a bookplate placed in the hymnal in memory or in honor of a loved one. Envelopes can be placed in offering plates during the service, or handed to a member of the congregation.

The Horizons Bible Study Group for Women
Meeting in the home of a member at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 13. If you are interested in learning more, or attending, please contact Salam at salamlebos@hotmail.com.

Worship Location
Please note that beginning on Sunday, February 15th, we will be worshiping in the basement fellowship area of the church (over by the kitchen) due to work that will be taking place in the sanctuary.

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. Please join us as we begin our journey in to Lent.

CHPC Bible Study
The Clarendon Hill Bible Study will meet at Mr. Crepe in Davis Square on Thursday, February 19th at 6:30 p.m. (Please note change in date and location.) For more information, please contact Kevin, Josh, Solimar or Pierre.

Fellowship Event: Christian Rock Concert
The christian rock band Red (www.redmusiconline.com) is playing a concert at the Palladium in Worcester on Sunday, 3/1/15 @ 6 PM. Several church members are going to go. If you are interested in attending, please contact Josh (joshua.herzig@gmail.com).
Event Details: http://www.thepalladium.net/event/768619-red-worcester/

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