Sept 8, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, September 8th, at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service.  The Old Testament Scripture reading is Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and the New Testament Scripture reading is Luke 14:25-35.  The title of Rev. Fairfax’s sermon is “When It Rains, It Pours”.

The Clarendon Hill outreach committee is planning a family-friendly get-together at Great Brook Farm in Carlisle on Saturday, September 14 from 1 to 4 pm and we are hoping that you can join us!

A group of us went last year and had a great time picnicking and seeing the sights (which includes an active dairy farm, barn tours, hiking trails,and an ice cream stand). For more information and directions, see their website: The only charge is a $2-per-car parking fee (not including any ice cream or other treats you want). We will also have car pools leaving Clarendon Hill at 12:30 and returning about 4:00 pm.

Please RSVP to to let us know if you can join us for our first fellowship event this fall!

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, September 22nd in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Dead Sea Scrolls at Boston’s Museum of Science – Sunday, September 29th, 12:30-4pm Interested in learning more about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest known texts of the Bible? They are currently on display at the Museum of Science, a traveling exhibit created by the Israel Antiquities Authority. This is a chance for each of us to consider the texts and their context. More info at Cost for members of our group is $10 per person. Note: Tickets are timed and need to be purchased in advance, so we need an accurate count of the numbers coming by September 8th. Carpooling is available! Please let Ruth know your interest or contact her at 617-571-3621 or email

Rides wanted! Drivers needed! We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events. And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help! Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621

Want to be a greeter or a reader? Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery? Please let Ellen know how you would like to share your time and talents (

Sept 1, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, September 1st, at 10:30 a.m. and for
coffee and fellowship after the service.  We will welcome our new pastor, Rev. Allen Fairfax, as he preaches and leads us in worship. We will also celebrate Communion.

The Clarendon Hill outreach committee is planning a family-friendly get-together at Great Brook Farm in Carlisle on Saturday, September 14 from 1 to 4 pm and we are hoping that you can join us!

A group of us went last year and had a great time picnicking and seeing the sights (which includes an active dairy farm, barn tours, hiking trails,and an ice cream stand). For more information and directions, see their website:
The only charge is a $2-per-car parking fee (not including any ice cream or other treats you want). We will also have car pools leaving Clarendon Hill at 12:30 and returning about 4:00 pm.

Please RSVP to to let us know if you can join us for our first fellowship event this fall!

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, September 22nd in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Dead Sea Scrolls at Boston’s Museum of Science – Sunday, September 29th, 12:30-4pm Interested in learning more about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest known texts of the Bible? They are currently on display at the Museum of Science, a traveling exhibit created by the Israel Antiquities Authority. This is a chance for each of us to consider the texts and their context. More info at Cost for members of our group is $10 per person. Note: Tickets are timed and need to be purchased in advance, so we need an accurate count of the numbers coming by September 8th. Carpooling is available! Please let Ruth know your interest or contact her at 617-571-3621 or email

Rides wanted! Drivers needed! We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events. And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help! Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621

Want to be a greeter or a reader? Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery? Please let Ellen know how you would like to share your time and talents (


Aug 25, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, August 25th, at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service. Our texts will be Jeremiah 31:13 and Luke 13:10-17. John Adams will play a sermon in music entitled “Songs of Sadness and Dances of Joy.”  The music is from Federico Mompou’s Songs and Dances, numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8.  Mompou composed these pieces over a forty-year period ending in 1972.  Drawing upon melodies from his Catalan youth, he shaped the Songs into predominantly lyrical expressions of sadness, reverence, and quiet joy, while lightening the mood in the Dances with joyous statements of rhythmic vitality.

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour this Sunday, August 25th in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Save the date!  Tuesday, August 27th 5-11pm at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Square to support CHPC and the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer program – Pizza, bowling, friends and a good cause… what could be a better way to wrap up the summer?!  Every month the Flatbread Company (45 Day St, Somerville, MA 02144) shares their proceeds with local charities and August is for CHPC!  We will designate funds to support the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers program, starting in the Boston Presbytery this fall and bringing churches and organizations together to fight hunger, poverty, and structural injustice in the local food system.  It’s also a great way for CHPC to be visible in the community, so spread the word and bring your friends to Flatbread on August 27th!  Any questions, please contact Ruth (617-571-3621 or Val (

We are pleased to announce that both the congregation of Clarendon Hill Church and the Presbytery of Boston approved our candidate, Rev. Allen Fairfax,  to be the new designated pastor!  Rev. Fairfax will begin his ministry atClarendon Hill on Sunday, September 1st.

Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

Aug 18, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, August 18th, at 10:30 a.m. and for
coffee and fellowship after the service.  Our guest worship leader will be Sarah Donovan.  We will read and meditate on the day’s Lectionary texts:  Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19, Hebrews 11:29-12:2, and Luke 12:49-56.

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, August 25th in
the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I
am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have
on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

*Save the date!  Tuesday, August 27th 5-11pm at Flatbread Pizza in Davis
Square to support CHPC and the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer
program *– Pizza, bowling, friends and a good cause… what could be a better
way to wrap up the summer?!  Every month the Flatbread Company (45 Day St,
Somerville, MA 02144) shares their proceeds with local charities and August
is for CHPC!  We will designate funds to support the We will designate funds to support the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers program, starting in the Boston Presbytery this fall and bringing churches and organizations together to fight hunger, poverty, and structural injustice in the local food system.  It’s also a great way for CHPC to be visible in the community, so spread the word and bring your friends to Flatbread on August 27th!  Any questions, please contact Ruth (617-571-3621 or Val (

We are pleased to announce that both the congregation of Clarendon Hill Church and the Presbytery of Boston approved our candidate, Rev. Allen Fairfax,  to be the new designated pastor!  Rev. Fairfax will begin his ministry atClarendon Hill on Sunday, September 1st.

Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

Aug 11, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, August 11th, at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service.  Our guest worship leader will be the Rev. Catherine MacDonald.  Cathy will preach on Romans 12: 1-21.  Her sermon is titled “Context Is a Lot of It, But It’s Not Everything.”

Celebrate the seasons with The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program on Sunday, August 11th.  Join them for a seasonal cooking lesson and a three-course meal at Church of the Covenant, 69 Newbury Street in Boston.  From 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., their cooking instructors will each lead a participatory lesson to create one course of the meal from fresh, local, seasonal ingredients.  From 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., it’s dinner!  The cost is $50.00 for an individual or $80.00 for a couple.  All proceeds support the BFJYAV program.  To reserve your spot, please email  To learn more about the program visit their Facebook page:

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, August 25th in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Save the date!  Tuesday, August 27th 5-11pm at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Square to support CHPC and the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer program – Pizza, bowling, friends and a good cause… what could be a better way to wrap up the summer?!  Every month the Flatbread Company (45 Day St, Somerville, MA 02144) shares their proceeds with local charities and August is for CHPC!  We will designate funds to support the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers program, starting in the Boston Presbytery this fall and bringing churches and organizations together to fight hunger, poverty, and structural injustice in the local food system.  It’s also a great way for CHPC to be visible in the community, so spread the word and bring your friends to Flatbread on August 27th!  Any questions, please contact Ruth (617-571-3621 or Val (

We are pleased to announce that both the congregation of Clarendon Hill Church and the Presbytery of Boston approved our candidate, Rev. Allen Fairfax,  to be the new designated pastor!  Rev. Fairfax will begin his ministry at Clarendon Hill on Sunday, September 1st.

Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

Aug 4, 2013 Announcement

Please join us for worship on Sunday, August 4th, at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service.  Our guest worship leader will be the Rev. Patricia Budd Kepler.  Pat will preach on Psalm 23 and Luke 24: 13-31.  Her sermon is titled “Vision and Breaking Bread.” Communion will be celebrated by Rev. Patricia Kepler and Rev. Thomas Kepler.

Celebrate the seasons with The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program on Sunday, August 11th.  Join them for a seasonal cooking lesson and a three-course meal at Church of the Covenant, 69 Newbury Street in Boston.  From 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., their cooking instructors will each lead a participatory lesson to create one course of the meal from fresh, local, seasonal ingredients.  From 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., it’s dinner!  The cost is $50.00 for an individual or $80.00 for a couple.  All proceeds support the BFJYAV program.  To reserve your spot, please email byAugust 7.  To learn more about the program visit their Facebook page:

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, August 25th in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Save the date!  Tuesday, August 27th 5-11pm at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Square to support CHPC and the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer program – Pizza, bowling, friends and a good cause… what could be a better way to wrap up the summer?!  Every month the Flatbread Company (45 Day St, Somerville, MA 02144) shares their proceeds with local charities and August is for CHPC!  We will designate funds to support the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers program, starting in the Boston Presbytery this fall and bringing churches and organizations together to fight hunger, poverty, and structural injustice in the local food system.  It’s also a great way for CHPC to be visible in the community, so spread the word and bring your friends to Flatbread on August 27th!  Any questions, please contact Ruth (617-571-3621 or Val (

We are pleased to announce that both the congregation of Clarendon Hill Church and the Presbytery of Boston approved our candidate, Rev. Allen Fairfax,  to be the new designated pastor!  Rev. Fairfax will begin his ministry at Clarendon Hill on Sunday, September 1st.

Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule 617-571-3621

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

July 28, 2013 Announcement

We are pleased to announce that both the congregation of Clarendon Hill Church and the Presbytery of Boston approved our candidate, Rev. Allen Fairfax,  to be the new designated pastor!  Rev. Fairfax will begin his ministry at Clarendon Hill onSunday, September 1st.

Please join us for worship on Sunday, July 28th, at 10:30 a.m. and for coffee and fellowship after the service.  Our guest worship leader will be the Rev. Jean Southard.  Jean will preach on Matthew 18: 23-33.  Her sermon is titled “Forgiveness:  A Choice for Life.”                                .

Celebrate the seasons with The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer Program on Sunday, August 11th  Join them for a seasonal cooking lesson and a three-course meal at Church of the Covenant, 69 Newbury Street in Boston.  From 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., their cooking instructos will each lead a participatory lesson to create one course of the meal from fresh, local, seasonal ingredients.  From 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., it’s dinner!  The cost is $50.00 for an individual or $80.00 for a couple,  All proceeds support the BFJYAV program.  To reserve your spot, please by August 7.  To learn more about the program visit their Facebook page:

There will be a prayer meeting after coffee hour on Sunday, August 25th in the Green Room. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome.

Save the date!  Tuesday, August 27th 5-11pm at Flatbread Pizza in Davis Square to support CHPC and the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer program – Pizza, bowling, friends and a good cause… what could be a better way to wrap up the summer?!  Every month the Flatbread Company (45 Day St, Somerville, MA 02144) shares their proceeds with local charities and August is for CHPC!  We will designate funds to support the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteers program, starting in the Boston Presbytery this fall and bringing churches and organizations together to fight hunger, poverty, and structural injustice in the local food system.  It’s also a great way for CHPC to be visible in the community, so spread the word and bring your friends to Flatbread on August 27th!  Any questions, please contact Ruth ( or Val (

Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

July 21, 2013 Announcement

Come to Pizza with the Pastor!  It’s tomorrow, Saturday, July 20th, from, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.  Join us in the cool basement of the church, for an informal dinner/ice cream social to get to know our pastoral candidate, Rev. Dr. Allen Fairfax.  (Please note that ArtBeat will be taking place in Davis Square, so some roads may be closed.)  The parking regulations around the church have been relaxed for this event, so please feel free to park on Powderhouse Boulevard or Curtis Street near the building.
On Sunday, July 21st, our guest preacher and worship leader will be our candidate for pastor, the Rev. Dr. Allen Fairfax.  Allen’s sermon title is “The Prodigal Sister”, and he will be preaching on Colossians 1:15-28 and Luke 10: 38-42. Immediately following the worship service, we will have a congregational meeting to vote to call Rev. Fairfax and to vote on the terms of the call.  Following the congregational meeting, there will be a potluck lunch. For the luncheon, please bring a beverage, appetizer, soup, salad, side dish, main dish or dessert to share.  Please plan to join us at 10:30 a.m.
On Monday, July 22nd, Clarendon Hill will host a special called meeting of the Presbytery of Boston, beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Light refreshments will be served before the meeting.  Following a brief worship service, the meeting will act on the recommendation of the Committee on Ministry concerning the call of theClarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to Rev. Allen Fairfax. (Provided he is approved by the congregation on Sunday.) If you are able, please come to the meeting in support of Rev. Fairfax.  We would also love to have some help for set up and folks to provide the light snacks.  If you can help with this, please contact Ruth ( / 617-571-3621) or Liz ( cavatorta1 The parking regulations around the church have been relaxed for this event, so please feel free to park on Powderhouse Boulevard or Curtis Street near the building.


Rides wanted!  Drivers needed!    We’re looking for people with cars to help other members of the congregation get to and from church and church events.  And if you would like a ride – every week or just for one event – we’re happy to help!  Please call or email Ruth to get on the schedule

Want to be a greeter or reader?  Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery?  Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

June 21, 2013 Announcement

There will be a workday at the manse on Saturday, June 22nd from 10:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. (Please note time change.) No special skills are needed – just a willingness to work! For more information, contact Val via email ( or call 617-230-1255.

The Rev. R. Ward Holder will be the guest preacher on Sunday, 23rd. Ward will preach on Luke 8: 26-39. His sermon title is “What If?” Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

We will continue to collect The Mission at the Eastward (MATE) offering during the rest of May and throughout June. This offering helps to offset the cost that our volunteers must pay to attend the housing ministry work camp in Maine, which includes fees for materials, housing while there, and food. Checks can be made out to the church, with MATE written in the “note” section of the check, so that we know where to direct your gift. Please be as generous as you are able! We would also love to have offerings of food, and your prayers! For more information, please contact Ellen (

We’re looking forward to our 3rd year at the Mission of the Eastward (MATE) North Parish Housing ministry work camp in Maine in July. We will be joining with others from Boston Presbytery to improve housing in and around Farmington, ME. For more information, contact Ellen ( or Liz (

Want to be a greeter or reader? Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery? Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

June 13, 2013 Announcements

There will be a workday at the manse on Saturday, June 15th from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. No special skills are needed – just a willingness to work! For more information, contact Val via email ( or call 617-230-1255.

Our next fellowship event will be on Saturday, June 15th. Jenny & Josh have generously offered to host our next potluck in their new home. Here’s the info: WHEN:Saturday, June 15, 6:30 to 9:00 pm. WHERE:Reply to for directions. WHAT TO BRING: Almost anything (nut- and peanut-free, please, for our friends with food allergies) **plus your favorite ice cream topping**. WHO: Let me know if you will join us so our hosts know how many to expect. If you know what you’re bringing you can share that, too. WHY NOT… Get to know your fellow Clarendon Hill’ers better as we enjoy a sweet Sundae on a Saturday night. Hope to see you there!

The Rev. Glenn Ramsay will be the guest preacher on Sunday, June 16th. Glenn will preach on Psalm 139: 1-18; 23-24 and Romans 8: 35, 37-39. His sermon title is “The Day the Music Died.” Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship and for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Join us for a prayer meeting in the Green Room after fellowship time on Sunday, June 16th. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart.

We will continue to collect The Mission at the Eastward (MATE) offering during the rest of May and throughout June. This offering helps to offset the cost that our volunteers must pay to attend the housing ministry work camp in Maine, which includes fees for materials, housing while there, and food. Checks can be made out to the church, with MATE written in the “note” section of the check, so that we know where to direct your gift. Please be as generous as you are able! We would also love to have offerings of food, and your prayers! For more information, please contact Ellen (

We’re looking forward to our 3rd year at the Mission of the Eastward (MATE) North Parish Housing ministry work camp in Maine in July. We will be joining with others from Boston Presbytery to improve housing in and around Farmington, ME. For more information, contact Ellen ( or Liz (

Want to be a greeter or reader? Eager to bring coffee hour treats or support the nursery? Please let Ellen know how you would like to share you time and talents…(

Visit us on Facebook at:
Visit our website at: