Nov 15, 2015 Announcements

Guest Preacher: Dennis Sullivan
Sermon:”There’s No Place Like Home: The Syrian Refugee Crisis”
Scriptures: Isaiah 58:6-12 and Matthew 25

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Denis J. Sullivan (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a Professor of Political Science and the Co-Director of the Middle East Center at Northeastern University. Prof. Sullivan is the founding Director of BCARS, the Boston Consortium for Arab Region Studies, supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Prof. Sullivan is founding Director of the Dialogue of Civilizations program at Northeastern. The Dialogue programs send over 1,500 students around the world each summer on 55-60 different faculty-led academic programs; each program is at least 5 weeks in length and some are 8-weeks long. These programs enable students to engage with host communities, learn languages, dialogue with peers in various cultures, conduct research, or otherwise train and learn new skills.
Dr. Sullivan is the author of many journal articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries and a number of books. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, USAID, U.S. State Department, U.S. Department of Defense, Council on Foreign Relations, human rights organizations, and academic institutions in Europe, the U.S., and the Middle East.
We will be collecting items to send to Syrian mothers and infants/children via a container on a ship, through the local organization NuDay Syria. ( At the website, under projects, you can find more information about containers. Examples of much needed items are clothes, coats, shoes, boots, new underwear and socks, female hygiene products, diapers, soap, powdered detergent, sleeping bags, blankets, soccer balls, stuffed animals, non-battery operated toys.
Food items needed include rice, flour, cooking oil, sugar, cans or bags of tuna, food high in protein such as peanut butter or nutella, energy bars, protein drinks, powdered and liquid milk and *always* infant milk in any form. All food items must be unexpired and in non-breakable packaging.
You can also get online and order items for containers from Amazon where you get free shipping and great pricing. We have a wish list there and it is very straight-forward to order from them.
Financial donations or full or partial sponsorships of containers are always appreciated. If you are interested in a financial donation, or have questions, please contact Ellen ( We don’t have an exact deadline date yet, but feel free to start collecting and bringing in items to church.

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Somerville’s Early Head Start Program
We will helping to bring Christmas to several Somerville families this year through Somerville’s Early Head Start program. If you’d like to help coordinate a portion of this effort, please contact Ellen ( The tree with gift suggestions will be at the back of sanctuary on the Sunday before Thanksgiving; look for it on November 22nd.

The Advent Meditations
As part of our tradition at Clarendon Hill, we will be producing another booklet of Advent Meditations from members and friends of the church, based on the Advent season lectionary. Craig Milanesi and Jaja Kumpa will be seeking volunteers to sign up for a 1 – 3 paragraph reflection or some creative artwork (painting, song, poetry, photograph) relative to the reading, this Sunday, November 8th, during fellowship. If you won’t be at church, but would like to participate, please contact Craig ( The deadline for submissions will be Sunday, 22nd (and last minute submissions no later than Wednesday, November 25th). We hope to have the printed versions on Sunday, November 29th.

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Nov 8, 2015 Announcements

Sermon:”Giving Your Two Cents Worth”
Scripture: Mark 12:38-44

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

CHPC Fellowship: All Saints Dinner
Saturday, November 7th, 5:00 p.m., Salvatore’s Restaurant, 55 High Street, Medford, MA. In honor of former “saint” Sal Fazzolari, we will meet at the Italian restaurant, where we can talk about the people in our lives who helped us on our faith journey – whether it is relatives, friends, fellow church members, pastors, youth group leaders, Sunday school teachers, etc. That will be the starting point for our conversation, but certainly not the only topic! We’d like to make reservations, so please RSVP by Friday, November 6th at 3:00 p.m., to Ellen ( If you have questions, or need a ride, please get in touch with Ellen. Everyone is welcome!

Guest Preacher – Denis Sullivan
Sunday, November 15th. Denis will be speaking on the refugee crisis. We will be collecting items to send to Syrian mothers and infants/children via a container on a ship, through the local organization NuDay Syria. ( Under projects, you can find more information about containers. Examples of much needed items are clothes, coats, shoes, boots, new underwear and socks, female hygiene products, diapers, soap, powdered detergent, sleeping bags, blankets, soccer balls, stuffed animals, non-battery operated toys.
Food items needed include rice, flour, cooking oil, sugar, cans or bags of tuna, food high in protein such as peanut butter or nutella, energy bars, protein drinks, powdered and liquid milk and *always* infant milk in any form. All food items must be unexpired and in non-breakable packaging.
You can also get online and order items for containers from Amazon where you get free shipping and great pricing. We have a wish list there and it is very straight-forward to order from them.
Financial donations or full or partial sponsorships of containers are always appreciated. If you are interested in a financial donation, or have questions, please contact Ellen ( We don’t have an exact deadline date yet, but feel free to start collecting and bringing in items to church.

CHPC Fellowship: After Church Potluck
Our next fellowship event will be on Sunday, November 15th after the service, with a Thanksgiving potluck. Please bring an appetizer, soup, salad, side dish, main dish or dessert (NO NUTS, PLEASE!) If you have a favorite Thanksgiving dish, consider this an invitation to bring it. Come celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family!

Somerville’s Early Head Start Program
We will helping to bring Christmas to several Somerville families this year through Somerville’s Early Head Start program. If you’d like to help coordinate a portion of this effort, please contact Ellen ( The tree with gift suggestions will be at the back of sanctuary on the Sunday before Thanksgiving; look for it on November 22nd.

The Advent Meditations
As part of our tradition at Clarendon Hill, we will be producing another booklet of Advent Meditations from members and friends of the church, based on the Advent season lectionary. Craig Milanesi and Jaja Kumpa will be seeking volunteers to sign up for a 1 – 3 paragraph reflection or some creative artwork (painting, song, poetry, photograph) relative to the reading, this Sunday, November 8th, during fellowship. If you won’t be at church, but would like to participate, please contact Craig ( The deadline for submissions will be Sunday, 22nd (and last minute submissions no later than Wednesday, November 25th). We hope to have the printed versions on Sunday, November 29th.

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Nov 1, 2015 Announcements

Sermon:”Soul Faith”
Scripture: (cf. Leviticus 19:9-18 and Deuteronomy 6:46)
The translation (of which there are many) of how Jesus responds to the scribe in v.34 is at question in this passage. I suggest that we get at the heart of it if we take it for what it says most directly, which has it that Jesus “sees” that the scribe answers “intellectually” — with his mind (not his heart, soul, strength, etc. — compare v.30). Many commentators note that Jesus is “sort of” commending the scribe (or so it seems on the surface). It is likely that this scribe thought that he “nailed it” and was hoping for Jesus to say “you got it”! Jesus does less than that. What is the scribe not saying or doing here that shows Jesus that he is not quite getting the point of the scripture he just quoted? What is it that might be missing in our own personal “heady” versions of Presbyterian-esque faith?

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

CHPC Fellowship: All Saints Dinner
Saturday, November 7th, 5:00 p.m., Salvatore’s Restaurant, 55 High Street, Medford, MA. In honor of former “saint” Sal Fazzolari, we will meet at the Italian restaurant, where we can talk about the people in our lives who helped us on our faith journey – whether it is relatives, friends, fellow church members, pastors, youth group leaders, Sunday school teachers, etc. That will be the starting point for our conversation, but certainly not the only topic! We’d like to make reservations, so please RSVP by Friday, November 6th at 3:00 p.m., to Ellen ( If you have questions, or need a ride, please get in touch with Ellen. Everyone is welcome!

Guest Preacher – Denis Sullivan
Sunday, November 15th. Denis will be speaking on the refugee crisis. We will be collecting items to send to Syrian mothers and infants/children via a container on a ship, through the local organization NuDay Syria. ( Under projects, you can find more information about containers. Examples of much needed items are clothes, coats, shoes, boots, new underwear and socks, female hygiene products, diapers, soap, powdered detergent, sleeping bags, blankets, soccer balls, stuffed animals, non-battery operated toys.
Food items needed include rice, flour, cooking oil, sugar, cans or bags of tuna, food high in protein such as peanut butter or nutella, energy bars, protein drinks, powdered and liquid milk and *always* infant milk in any form. All food items must be unexpired and in non-breakable packaging.
You can also get online and order items for containers from Amazon where you get free shipping and great pricing. We have a wish list there and it is very straight-forward to order from them.
Financial donations or full or partial sponsorships of containers are always appreciated. If you are interested in a financial donation, or have questions, please contact Ellen ( We don’t have an exact deadline date yet, but feel free to start collecting and bringing in items to church.

CHPC Fellowship: After Church Potluck
Save the date: Our next fellowship event will be on Sunday, November 15th after the service, with a Thanksgiving potluck. Come celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family.

Somerville’s Early Head Start Program
We will helping to bring Christmas to several Somerville families this year through Somerville’s Early Head Start program. If you’d like to help coordinate a portion of this effort, please contact Ellen ( The tree with gift suggestions will be at the back of sanctuary on the Sunday before Thanksgiving; look for it on November 22nd.

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Oct 25, 2015 Announcements

We welcome the Rev. Michael Trautman of First Presyterian Church in Ferguson, MO as our guest preacher.
Sermon: “Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Every Ism Under the Sun”
Scripture: Job 42:1-6, 10-17 and Mark 10:46-52

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

Guest Preacher – Rev. Michael Trautman
Visiting from Ferguson Missouri, Rev. Michael Trautman of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson will share about the work of “One Ferguson”, a diverse gathering of people and organizations dedicated to re-creating the Ferguson community through “citizen engagement, empowerment, and accountability.” ( And from here in Boston, Rev. Laura Ahart of the United Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain will share about ministries at the Nashua Street Jail, her church, and the work of the Criminal Justice Committee for the Black Ministerial Alliance in Boston. ( Both will engage each other and the audience concerning religious groups responding to race and injustice in our communities.
Douglas S. Kress, Director of Health and Human Services for the City of Somerville, will also be present on October 25th to share information about Somerville’s efforts to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Learning to Talk in Ferguson and Boston” – Presentation and Panel
Sunday, October 25th, community reception, 5:00 p.m.; presentation 5:30-7:00 p.m. Visiting from Ferguson Missouri, Rev. Michael Trautman of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson will share about the work of “One Ferguson”, a diverse gathering of people and organizations dedicated to re-creating the Ferguson community through “citizen engagement, empowerment, and accountability.” ( And from here in Boston, Rev. Laura Ahart of the United Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain will share about ministries at the Nashua Street Jail, her church, and the work of the Criminal Justice Committee for the Black Ministerial Alliance in Boston. ( Both will engage each other and the audience concerning religious groups responding to race and injustice in our communities.
Douglas S. Kress, Director of Health and Human Services for the City of Somerville, will also be present on October 25th to share information about Somerville’s efforts to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Guest Preacher – Denis Sullivan
Denis Sullivan will be our guest preacher on Sunday, November 15th. He will be speaking on the refugee crisis. We will be collecting items to send to Syrians via a container on a ship, through the local organization NuDay Syria. ( Stay tuned for more information.

CHPC Fellowship: After Church Potluck
Save the date: Our next fellowship event will be on Sunday, November 15th after the service, with a Thanksgiving potluck. Come celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family.

Somerville’s Early Head Start Program
We will helping to bring Christmas to several Somerville families this year through Somerville’s Early Head Start program. If you’d like to help coordinate a portion of this effort, please contact Ellen ( The tree with gift suggestions will be at the back of sanctuary on the Sunday before Thanksgiving; look for it on November 22nd.

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Oct 18, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Steeled for the Journey Ahead”
Scripture: Mark 10:35-45
We are still in the second teaching cycle of Mark, so these teachings are about our inner life and faith (less so about external, social justice teachings). In this seeming hodgepodge of scriptural sayings, there is a connection. As we prepare for this coming Sunday, note that the word translated for stumbling block is the Greek word for scandal (eskandolos). Also, the things that Jesus mentions as “better than being in hell” represent some of the worst fears that people in Jesus’ time would have had. Each of the sufferings that Jesus mentions (drowning and physical maiming) would have had huge social consequences for them. What are the anxieties that we bring to our faith life? How do we allow or create our own stumbling blocks? Note that the end of these sayings is the word of Peace.

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Nicole Terez Dutton – Poetry Readings
Somerville Poet Laureate Nicole Terez Dutton will give a reading on Sunday October 18th, in the Nave gallery during the afternoon from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. A community reception will follow.
Nicole Terez Dutton’s work has appeared in Callaloo, Ploughshares, 32 Poems, Indiana Review, and Salt Hill Journal. Nicole earned an MFA from Brown University and has received fellowships from the Frost Place, the Fine Arts Work Center, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her collection of poems, If One Of Us Should Fall, was selected as the winner of the 2011 Cave Canem Poetry Prize. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts where she serves as the city’s inaugural poet laureate, and she teaches in the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program. All are invited to attend.

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Guest Preacher – Rev. Michael Trautman
Our guest preacher on Sunday, October 25th will the Rev. Michael Trautman, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson, Missouri.

“Learning to Talk in Ferguson and Boston” – Presentation and Panel
Sunday, October 25th, community reception, 5:00 p.m.; presentation 5:30-7:00 p.m. Visiting from Ferguson Missouri, Rev. Michael Trautman of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson will share about the work of “One Ferguson”, a diverse gathering of people and organizations dedicated to re-creating the Ferguson community through “citizen engagement, empowerment, and accountability.” ( And from here in Boston, Rev. Laura Ahart of the United Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain will share about ministries at the Nashua Street Jail, her church, and the work of the Criminal Justice Committee for the Black Ministerial Alliance in Boston. ( Both will engage each other and the audience concerning religious groups responding to race and injustice in our communities.
Douglas S. Kress, Director of Health and Human Services for the City of Somerville, will also be present on October 25th to share information about Somerville’s efforts to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Guest Preacher – Denis Sullivan
Denis Sullivan will be our guest preacher on Sunday, November 15th. He will be speaking on the refugee crisis.

CHPC Fellowship: After Church Potluck
Save the date: Our next fellowship event will be on Sunday, November 15th after the service, with a Thanksgiving potluck. Come celebrate Thanksgiving with your church family.

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Updates: Apple Picking / Gallery Sitting

Fellowship: Apple Picking
Our apple picking trip to Shelburne Farm in Stow, MA has been rescheduled for this coming Sunday, October 11th. We’ll meet at the church at 12:15 p.m., and leave shortly after that. (We’d love to have you join us for our worship service at 10:30 a.m.!) We should have sunny and cool weather for our adventures!

Visit the website at:

If you have questions, or need more information, please contact Ellen (

Everyone is invited!


Gallery Sitters Needed for Embracing Difference Exhibit

Hi all,
I am a volunteer with the Nave. Congratulations on a fantastic show. The opening was a major success, and the show and complementary programming has generated lots of buzz. Very exciting!
We are in need of gallery sitters for Embracing Differences. If you are not familiar with the Nave, we are a small, volunteer-run organization that relies heavily on our community to provide art spaces and opportunities.
If you are able to sit for a two hour shift, it would be very much appreciated. Gallery sitting is a great way to spend some time with the art or invite your friends and family over for a personal viewing.

– – – – –

Directions on signing up are below, but please let me know if you have any questions.–
We’re using VolunteerSpot to organize our upcoming Sign-ups.

Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot:
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot.

Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Tori (

Oct 4, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Patriarchy, Privilege, and the Poetry of Peace”
Scripture: Mark 10:2-16
We are still in the second teaching cycle of Mark, so these teachings are about our inner life and faith (less so about external, social justice teachings). In this seeming hodgepodge of scriptural sayings, there is a connection. As we prepare for this coming Sunday, note that the word translated for stumbling block is the Greek word for scandal (eskandolos). Also, the things that Jesus mentions as “better than being in hell” represent some of the worst fears that people in Jesus’ time would have had. Each of the sufferings that Jesus mentions (drowning and physical maiming) would have had huge social consequences for them. What are the anxieties that we bring to our faith life? How do we allow or create our own stumbling blocks? Note that the end of these sayings is the word of Peace.

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

World Communion Sunday
On Sunday, October 4th, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday. The collection of the Peace and Global Witness Offering (formerly know as the Peacemaking Offering) takes place on that day also. The scripture for this year’s offering is from Ephesians 6:23: “Peace be to the WHOLE community, and love with faith.” Gifts to the 2015 offering will support Syrian refugees, specifically, for the children to resume their education in camps in Lebanon. Please give as generously as you are able.

Deacons’ Meeting
The Deacons will meet on Sunday, October 4th, after coffee hour in the Green Room.

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery Opening Reception
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The reception for the opening of the show “Embracing Differences” will be in the Nave Gallery on Sunday, October 4th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

Fellowship Event: Apple Picking
Our next fellowship event will be apple picking, Date TBD in October. We’ll meet in Stow, MA at Shelburne Farm at 1:00 p.m. We’ll meet by the entrance to the store to enjoy apple picking, cider doughnuts, ice cream, music, farm animals, a hayride and a chance to pick out a pumpkin! For the kids, there is a moon bounce, pony rides, a tractor playground, or a hay climbing mountain. See more at If you need more information, or a ride to this event, please contact Ellen ( Everyone is invited!

“Community Conversations” – Organized Series by City of Somerville
Monday, October 5th — hosted by Clarendon Hill, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The City of Somerville is organizing a series of community conversations around racism and discrimination that have been brought to the fore by recent violent events and the work of the Black Lives Matter movement. We are hosting one of the first conversations here at our church, moderated by our pastor. Please attend if you can, as we expect many of our neighbors in the neighborhood to come and be part of this important time.

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Session Meeting
On Wednesday, October 14th, the Session will meet at 7:30 p.m., in the Green Room.

Nicole Terez Dutton – Poetry Readings
Somerville Poet Laureate Nicole Terez Dutton will give a reading on Sunday October 18th, in the Nave gallery during the afternoon from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. A community reception will follow.
Nicole Terez Dutton’s work has appeared in Callaloo, Ploughshares, 32 Poems, Indiana Review, and Salt Hill Journal. Nicole earned an MFA from Brown University and has received fellowships from the Frost Place, the Fine Arts Work Center, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her collection of poems, If One Of Us Should Fall, was selected as the winner of the 2011 Cave Canem Poetry Prize. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts where she serves as the city’s inaugural poet laureate, and she teaches in the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program. All are invited to attend.

Guest Preacher – Rev. Michael Trautman
Our guest preacher on Sunday, October 25th will the Rev. Michael Trautman, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson, Missouri.

“Learning to Talk in Ferguson and Boston” – Presentation and Panel
Sunday, October 25th : Presentation and Panel Discussion (5:30 to 7:00; reception at 5:00): “Learning to Talk in Ferguson and Boston: Critical conversations among faith communities”. Rev. Michael Trautman (First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson, Missouri) and the Rev. Laura Ahart (Pastor of Jamaica Plain United Baptist Church).


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Sept 27, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Stumbling toward Peace”
Scripture: Mark 9:38-50
We are still in the second teaching cycle of Mark, so these teachings are about our inner life and faith (less so about external, social justice teachings). In this seeming hodgepodge of scriptural sayings, there is a connection. As we prepare for this coming Sunday, note that the word translated for stumbling block is the Greek word for scandal (eskandolos). Also, the things that Jesus mentions as “better than being in hell” represent some of the worst fears that people in Jesus’ time would have had. Each of the sufferings that Jesus mentions (drowning and physical maiming) would have had huge social consequences for them. What are the anxieties that we bring to our faith life? How do we allow or create our own stumbling blocks? Note that the end of these sayings is the word of Peace.

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st, 3rd and 5th Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Please note that Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours. Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

Fellowship Event: Apple Picking
Our next fellowship event will be apple picking, on Saturday, October 3rd. We’ll meet in Stow, MA at Shelburne Farm at 1:00 p.m. We’ll meet by the entrance to the store to enjoy apple picking, cider doughnuts, ice cream, music, farm animals, a hayride and a chance to pick out a pumpkin! For the kids, there is a moon bounce, pony rides, a tractor playground, or a hay climbing mountain. See more at If you need more information, or a ride to this event, please contact Ellen ( Everyone is invited!

World Communion Sunday
On Sunday, October 4th, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday. The collection of the Peace and Global Witness Offering (formerly know as the Peacemaking Offering) takes place on that day also. The scripture for this year’s offering is from Ephesians 6:23: “Peace be to the WHOLE community, and love with faith.” Gifts to the 2015 offering will support Syrian refugees, specifically, for the children to resume their education in camps in Lebanon. Please give as generously as you are able.

Deacons’ Meeting
The Deacons will meet on Sunday, October 4th, after coffee hour in the Green Room.

“Embracing Differences” – Church Nave Gallery Opening Reception
Once a year, the Nave Gallery collaborates with the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church to create a social justice gallery show, underscoring the assertion that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action. The exhibition will be part of the Learn to Talk Social Justice Series organized by the CHPC from September through November, including opportunities for action, education and reflection. The reception for the opening of the show “Embracing Differences” will be in the Nave Gallery on Sunday, October 4th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. The show will be up from October 4th through October 31st.

“Community Conversations” – Organized Series by City of Somerville
Monday, October 5th — hosted by Clarendon Hill, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The City of Somerville is organizing a series of community conversations around racism and discrimination that have been brought to the fore by recent violent events and the work of the Black Lives Matter movement. We are hosting one of the first conversations here at our church, moderated by our pastor. Please attend if you can, as we expect many of our neighbors in the neighborhood to come and be part of this important time.

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Session Meeting
On Wednesday, October 14th, the Session will meet at 7:30 p.m., in the Green Room.

Nicole Terez Dutton – Poetry Readings
Somerville Poet Laureate Nicole Terez Dutton will give a reading on Sunday October 18th, in the Nave gallery during the afternoon from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. A community reception will follow.
Nicole Terez Dutton’s work has appeared in Callaloo, Ploughshares, 32 Poems, Indiana Review, and Salt Hill Journal. Nicole earned an MFA from Brown University and has received fellowships from the Frost Place, the Fine Arts Work Center, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her collection of poems, If One Of Us Should Fall, was selected as the winner of the 2011 Cave Canem Poetry Prize. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts where she serves as the city’s inaugural poet laureate, and she teaches in the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program. All are invited to attend.

Guest Preacher – Rev. Michael Trautman
Our guest preacher on Sunday, October 25th will the Rev. Michael Trautman, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson, Missouri.

“Learning to Talk in Ferguson and Boston” – Presentation and Panel
Sunday, October 25th : Presentation and Panel Discussion (5:30 to 7:00; reception at 5:00): “Learning to Talk in Ferguson and Boston: Critical conversations among faith communities”. Rev. Michael Trautman (First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson, Missouri) and the Rev. Laura Ahart (Pastor of Jamaica Plain United Baptist Church).


– – – Deacons News – – –

Deacon Meeting
The next Deacons meeting will be on Sunday, October 4th, after coffee hour, in the Green Room.

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


– – – Community News – – –

The Cuatro Puntos concert, “From Damascus to Kabul” 
Sunday, September 27th at 3:00 pm in the sanctuary, as the second concert of the Nave Gallery Music series for this fall. The members of the group are musical diplomats, having spent time this summer developing a music school for orphaned girls in Afghanistan. They are highly accomplished musicians, and they will be featuring a world premiere of Gullistan-e Nur “The Rosegarden of Light” by British composer Sadie Harrison, performed on traditional Afghan instruments with string quartet. For more information on this group and their mission, see and/or


Learn To Talk: 2015 Social Justice Series

Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce its annual series of social justice events for 2015. Partnership with The Nave Gallery underscores the idea that art is a vehicle through which conversations on social change can be held, compelling people to action.

All events are free, open to the public and held at 155 Powder House Blvd. Somerville (Teele Square)


OPENING RECEPTION: Embracing Differences – Mending the Isms and Schisms

Sunday, October 4, 2015 | 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Gallery show runs October 4-31. Hours: Saturday and Sunday 1:00-5:00

Participating artists (local and national): Michael Ahern; Garth Amundson / Pierre Gour; Anthony Astone; Campbell Forbes; Adam Forguites; Gini Holmes; Julia Kwon; Mario Paoli /S.VID; Travis Patterson; Ken Reker; Gem Beila Rosenberg; Gabriel Sosa; Tucker Stilley; Donn Young. (


COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS – First in a series organized by the City of Somerville

Monday, October 5, 2015 | 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Dr. Rev. Allen Fairfax of Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church will moderate a public discussion about issues of racism and discrimination brought to the fore by the Black Lives Matter movement. (



Sunday, October 18, 2015 | 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Readings by Nicole Terez Dutton, named earlier this year as Somerville’s first Poet Laureate. Reception with the artist to follow. Her collection of poems, If One Of Us Should Fall, won the 2011 Cave Canem Poetry Prize and was reviewed: “every poem is unsettling in that delicious way that changes and challenges the reader.” Nicole Terez Dutton lives in Somerville and teaches in the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program (


LEARNING TO TALK IN FERGUSON AND BOSTON – Critical conversations among faith communities

Sunday, October 25, 2015 | 5:00 pm reception, 5:30 – 7:00 pm presentation

Visiting from Ferguson, Missouri, Rev. Michael Trautman of First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson will share about the work of “One Ferguson”, a diverse gathering of people and organizations dedicated to re-creating the Ferguson community through “citizen engagement, empowerment, and accountability” ( And from here in Boston, Rev. Laura Ahart of the United Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain will share about ministries at the Nashua Street Jail, her church, and the work of the Criminal Justice Committee for the Black Ministerial Alliance in Boston ( Both will engage each other and the audience about religious groups responding to race and injustice in our communities.

Douglas S. Kress, Director of Health and Human Services for the City of Somerville, will also be present on October 25th to share information about Somerville’s efforts to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Of note, on Monday, October 5th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm, Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church will also host and moderate the first “COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS,” a series organized by the City of Somerville about issues of racism and discrimination brought to the fore by the work of the Black Lives Matter movement (



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Sept 20, 2015 Announcements

Sermon:”Embraced by Christ”
Scripture: Mark 9:30-37; 10:13-16

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st, 3rd and 5th Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Please note that Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours. Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Prayer Group Meeting
Sunday, September 20th: We will meet in the Green Room after coffee hour. Jesus said, ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” Bring your prayers about whatever joys or concerns you may have on your mind and in your heart. All are welcome to attend.

Fellowship Event: Apple Picking
Our next fellowship event will be apple picking, with a tentative date of Saturday, October 3rd. Everyone is invited! Save the date, and look for details to follow.

World Communion Sunday
On Sunday, October 4th, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday. The collection of the Peace and Global Witness Offering (formerly know as the Peacemaking Offering) takes place on that day also. The scripture for this year’s offering is from Ephesians 6:23: “Peace be to the WHOLE community, and love with faith.” Gifts to the 2015 offering will support Syrian refugees, specifically, for the children to resume their education in camps in Lebanon. Please give as generously as you are able.

Deacons’ Meeting
The Deacons will meet on Sunday, October 4th, after coffee hour in the Green Room.

Session Meeting
On Wednesday, October 14th, the Session will meet at 7:30 p.m., in the Green Room.


– – – Deacons News – – –

Deacon Meeting
The next Deacons meeting will be on Sunday, October 4th, after coffee hour, in the Green Room.

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


– – – Community News – – –

The Cuatro Puntos concert, “From Damascus to Kabul” 
Sunday, September 27th at 3:00 pm in the sanctuary, as the second concert of the Nave Gallery Music series for this fall. The members of the group are musical diplomats, having spent time this summer developing a music school for orphaned girls in Afghanistan. They are highly accomplished musicians, and they will be featuring a world premiere of Gullistan-e Nur “The Rosegarden of Light” by British composer Sadie Harrison, performed on traditional Afghan instruments with string quartet. For more information on this group and their mission, see and/or