Informal worship this Sunday!

Feb 14, 2016 Announcements
Given the record-setting cold, we will not be having a formal worship service this Sunday. However, Pastor Allen will be at the church, and for those who do wish to venture out into the cold, we will have an informal worship gathering (probably in the Nave Gallery). No one who has a responsibility (worship leader, child care, etc) should feel any obligation to attend. Anyone who shows up will be “warmly” welcomed (perhaps some hot cider while we gather)!! Keep warm everyone!

Feb 7, 2016 Announcements

Guest Preacher
We welcome the Rev. Dr. R. Ward Holder as our guest worship leader and preacher. R. Ward Holder is professor of theology at Saint Anselm College and a minister member of the Presbytery of Boston. He has written and edited several books, concentrating upon the Reformation, the interpretation of scripture, and political theology. He has served in many roles in the presbytery, including service on COM, Nominating, Council, Stewardship and Budget, and the Permanent Judicial Commission. In 2014, he was the honored to serve as the moderator of the presbytery. He is a long-time friend of Clarendon Hill!

Sermon:”Where the Spirit of the Lord is….”
Scripture: Exodus 34:29-35, 2 Corinthians 3:12 – 4:2

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Children’s Christian Education News
We wanted to share the good news with folks that Danielle Feerst will be providing coverage for our nursery this Spring 2016. Some of you may know Danielle from her attendance of services here at Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church. Danielle is currently working on a Bachelors of Science degree at Tufts University. Originally from South Carolina, Danielle has experience working with children and autistic individuals. She is CEO and founder of AutismSees an online software development and research company for individuals with autism. We are very excited to have Danielle with us, and her first day covering the nursery will be February 7, 2016. Please join us in welcoming Danielle.

Session Meeting
The Session will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Green Room on Monday, February 8th.

Do Something Else: The Road Ahead for the Mainline Church
Ruth Allen and Craig Milanesi contributed a piece on our relationship with The Nave Gallery for a new book that will be published at the end of the month!
The book is divided into two parts: Part 1 is entitled Where We Are, and includes chapters on Why Would Anyone Want to Do This? Good Old Stones, What We Mean When we Say Church and The Road to Inclusion. Part 2 is entitled The Road Ahead, which has 6 chapters. We are in Chapter 7, which is about Evangelism. Chapter 10 is about cooperative parishes, and includes a piece on Mission at the Eastward (MATE).
In addition, there is a study guide and discussion questions at the end of the book. Our Adult Education group is considering this for future reading and discussion!
Here’s more information about the book, which will be available for sale in a few weeks – tell your family member, neighbors and friends! To pre-order a copy, please see:…/…/ref=sr_1_5…
You can also pre-order the book, and read the blog by the author of the book here:

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him in our Contact Page


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 10th at 7:00 p.m. Please join us as we begin our journey in to Lent.

Lenten Study
For our Lenten study this year, we will be reading and discussing the book, “If God is Love”. Copies of the book will be available at the annual meeting (January 31st). We will likely meet once or twice during Lent, with the exact dates to be decided. After we finish our Lenten study, we will choose a fiction book for our next discussion. If you have suggestions for a fiction book, or if you would like a copy of “If God is Love”, but won’t be at the annual meeting, please contact Pastor Allen. Here’s a synopsis of the book:

Synopsis of If God is Love
If God is love, why are so many Christians fearful, and why do so many church leaders sound hateful? Two controversial pastors address issues the church won′t face, calling us to restore grace as the center of the Christian life.
In “If Grace Is True”, Pastors Philip Gulley and James Mulholland revealed their belief that God will save every person. They now explore the implications of this belief, and its power to change every area of our lives. They attempt to answer one question: If we took God′s love seriously, what would our world look like?
Gulley and Mulholland argue that what we believe is crucial and dramatically affects the way we live and interact in the world. Beliefs have power. The belief in a literal hell where people suffer eternally has often been used by the Church to justify hate and violence, which contradicts what Jesus taught about love and grace. The authors present a new vision for our personal, religious, and corporate lives, exploring what our world would be like if we based our existence on the foundational truth that God loves every person.
Gulley and Mulholland boldly address many controversial issues people in the pews have wondered about but churches have been unwilling to tackle. For too long, the Christian tradition has been steeped in negativity, exclusion, and judgment. Gulley and Mulholland usher us into a new age–an age where grace and love are allowed to reign.


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Jan 31, 2016 Announcements

Sermon: “A Place of Grace”
Scripture: First Corinthians 13:1-13
What happens to us when grace becomes the centerpiece of how we interact with one another? Where is God when that happens? What happens to our hearts? What happens to our community?

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Offering Envelopes for 2016
If you are newer to our congregation, and interested in having a set of offering envelopes for 2016, please contact Ellen. ( The envelopes allow us to credit you for the donations that you give to the church, and allow you to deduct them from your taxes! For those of you who already have envelopes, you will find your box on the table in the back of the sanctuary, by the door. They are in numerical order.

Annual Meeting
This Sunday, January 31st is the annual congregational meeting. We will have a potluck lunch after the service, and then conduct the meeting. Please bring an appetizer, soup, salad, side dish, main dish or dessert to share. (NO NUTS, PLEASE!)
The annual meeting is the time when we look back on 2015 to note what we have accomplished. We will also elect officers, elders, deacons, and approve a budget for 2016. In addition, we will look forward, to begin to decide what we would like to accomplish during the coming year. All are welcome!

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 10th at 7:00 p.m. Please join us as we begin our journey in to Lent.

Lenten Study
For our Lenten study this year, we will be reading and discussing the book, “If God is Love”. Copies of the book will be available at the annual meeting (January 31st). We will likely meet once or twice during Lent, with the exact dates to be decided. After we finish our Lenten study, we will choose a fiction book for our next discussion. If you have suggestions for a fiction book, or if you would like a copy of “If God is Love”, but won’t be at the annual meeting, please contact Pastor Allen. Here’s a synopsis of the book:

Synopsis of If God is Love
If God is love, why are so many Christians fearful, and why do so many church leaders sound hateful? Two controversial pastors address issues the church won′t face, calling us to restore grace as the center of the Christian life.
In “If Grace Is True”, Pastors Philip Gulley and James Mulholland revealed their belief that God will save every person. They now explore the implications of this belief, and its power to change every area of our lives. They attempt to answer one question: If we took God′s love seriously, what would our world look like?
Gulley and Mulholland argue that what we believe is crucial and dramatically affects the way we live and interact in the world. Beliefs have power. The belief in a literal hell where people suffer eternally has often been used by the Church to justify hate and violence, which contradicts what Jesus taught about love and grace. The authors present a new vision for our personal, religious, and corporate lives, exploring what our world would be like if we based our existence on the foundational truth that God loves every person.
Gulley and Mulholland boldly address many controversial issues people in the pews have wondered about but churches have been unwilling to tackle. For too long, the Christian tradition has been steeped in negativity, exclusion, and judgment. Gulley and Mulholland usher us into a new age–an age where grace and love are allowed to reign.


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Jan 17, 2016 Announcements

Sermon: “Third Day Ministry”
Scripture: John 2:1-11
Note that the writer of the Gospel has this event at a wedding in Cana happened on the “Third Day”. When early Christians used this term, it was a shorthand way of reminding themselves and others that new life was coming (a new solution, a new energy, a renewal time, etc.) — life lived in light of the resurrection. Think about the role of the servants. Think about the role of Mary (was she an assistant to the Steward?). Notice that the servants did what Jesus asked them to do. Lots of good things to gather from this story of Gospel Truth!

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Offering Envelopes for 2016
If you are newer to our congregation, and interested in having a set of offering envelopes for 2016, please contact Ellen. ( The envelopes allow us to credit you for the donations that you give to the church, and allow you to deduct them from your taxes! For those of you who already have envelopes, you will find your box on the table in the back of the sanctuary, by the door. They are in numerical order.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Corinne Auger will be participating in The Music For Food concert, on Monday, January 25th. It’s a concert to fight hunger ($25.00 suggested donation, $10.00 for students, with all proceeds to benefit the Brookline Food Pantry), to be held at 7:00 p.m. in Brown Hall at the New England Conservatory, 290 Huntington Ave, Boston. The musicians are From the Top alumni, along with members of the Omer Quartet. The repertoire includes Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto no. 3, “Winter” from Vivaldi’s Four Season, and more. A 16 year old pianist is organizing the concert, in conjunction with From the Top, Music for Food, and the Omer Quartet.
Music to the Ears and Food to the Table! For more information, please visit

Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group
Since January 2014, the Office of Somerville Commissions has facilitated a working neighborhood group of interested folks to learn and promote knowledge, skills, and awareness about restorative justice (RJ), circles, jail diversion, etc.
Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group met on March 6, 2014 gathering Somerville residents to practice any form of restorative justice circles: dialogues or conflict transformation; supported by the director of the Office of Somerville Commissions. The goal has been to build a network of practicing lay and professional residents for educating, learning, sharing restorative justice.
The first public event by the working group was held on June 30, 2015 at Clarendon Hill Towers with Adina Davidson facilitating, video equipment by SCATV, and a video by Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ). The group was made up of four youth leaders, a Somerville police officer, commissioners, a professor teaching and advocating on restorative justice and jail diversion as well as volunteers from C4RJ. The members of Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group participated as facilitators and discussion participants for the Health & Human Services Department’s month-long (nine event) series on race and racism in October.
The next public event will be to hold a public circle for participants to experience how circles work on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. The members of Transform Somerville are supporting with their attendance of events the Arlington Mass Incarceration Working Group for monthly events from November through Spring 2016.
Everyone is invited to attend – bring your family, friends and neighbors!

Annual Meeting
Mark your calendars now for the annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 31st. We will have a potluck lunch after the service, and then conduct the meeting. This is the time when we look back on 2015 to note what we have accomplished. We will also elect officers, elders, and deacons, and approve a budget for 2016. We will also look forward, to begin to decide what we would like to accomplish during the coming year.

Lenten Study
For our Lenten study this year, we will be reading and discussing the book, “If God is Love”. Copies of the book will be available at the annual meeting (January 31st). We will likely meet once or twice during Lent, with the exact dates to be decided. After we finish our Lenten study, we will choose a fiction book for our next discussion. If you have suggestions for a fiction book, or if you would like a copy of “If God is Love”, but won’t be at the annual meeting, please contact Pastor Allen. Here’s a synopsis of the book:

Synopsis of If God is Love
If God is love, why are so many Christians fearful, and why do so many church leaders sound hateful? Two controversial pastors address issues the church won′t face, calling us to restore grace as the center of the Christian life.
In “If Grace Is True”, Pastors Philip Gulley and James Mulholland revealed their belief that God will save every person. They now explore the implications of this belief, and its power to change every area of our lives. They attempt to answer one question: If we took God′s love seriously, what would our world look like?
Gulley and Mulholland argue that what we believe is crucial and dramatically affects the way we live and interact in the world. Beliefs have power. The belief in a literal hell where people suffer eternally has often been used by the Church to justify hate and violence, which contradicts what Jesus taught about love and grace. The authors present a new vision for our personal, religious, and corporate lives, exploring what our world would be like if we based our existence on the foundational truth that God loves every person.
Gulley and Mulholland boldly address many controversial issues people in the pews have wondered about but churches have been unwilling to tackle. For too long, the Christian tradition has been steeped in negativity, exclusion, and judgment. Gulley and Mulholland usher us into a new age–an age where grace and love are allowed to reign.


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Jan 9, 2016 Announcements

– “The Baptism of Christ Sunday” –

Sermon: “Dirty Water”
Scripture: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
As we prepare for worship this Sunday, we are asked to think about baptism. I have been struck by some commentaries on this passage that highlight the fact that the river Jordan was a very muddy river (think of children playing in a local stream; a southern stream without rocks, and swirling with mud; and coming back home covered with mud!). This is the kind of water that the people, and Jesus, were immersed. There is something very elemental about this image of baptism, something about identifying with our human condition, and all the muck and mess that can come along with even the best-lived of lives. As we remember our own baptism, we will affirm the blessing of what it means to be baptized; what it means to start over with the blessing of God.

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Session Meeting
Session will meet on Wednesday, January 13th in the Green Room at 7:30 p.m.

Offering Envelopes for 2016
If you are newer to our congregation, and interested in having a set of offering envelopes for 2016, please contact Ellen. ( The envelopes allow us to credit you for the donations that you give to the church, and allow you to deduct them from your taxes! For those of you who already have envelopes, you will find your box on the table in the back of the sanctuary, by the door. They are in numerical order.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group
Since January 2014, the Office of Somerville Commissions has facilitated a working neighborhood group of interested folks to learn and promote knowledge, skills, and awareness about restorative justice (RJ), circles, jail diversion, etc.
Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group met on March 6, 2014 gathering Somerville residents to practice any form of restorative justice circles: dialogues or conflict transformation; supported by the director of the Office of Somerville Commissions. The goal has been to build a network of practicing lay and professional residents for educating, learning, sharing restorative justice.
The first public event by the working group was held on June 30, 2015 at Clarendon Hill Towers with Adina Davidson facilitating, video equipment by SCATV, and a video by Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ). The group was made up of four youth leaders, a Somerville police officer, commissioners, a professor teaching and advocating on restorative justice and jail diversion as well as volunteers from C4RJ. The members of Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group participated as facilitators and discussion participants for the Health & Human Services Department’s month-long (nine event) series on race and racism in October.
The next public event will be to hold a public circle for participants to experience how circles work on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. The members of Transform Somerville are supporting with their attendance of events the Arlington Mass Incarceration Working Group for monthly events from November through Spring 2016.
Everyone is invited to attend – bring your family, friends and neighbors!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Jan 3, 2016 Announcements

This is Epiphany Sunday. Epiphany proper is Wednesday, January 6th.

Sermon: “What a Difference a Gift Can Make!”
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Guest Organist
We welcome James Stewart as our guest organist this Sunday. James is the former organist at South Congregational Church in Lawrence. Thank you for sharing your musical gifts with us!

Offering Envelopes for 2016
If you are newer to our congregation, and interested in having a set of offering envelopes for 2016, please contact Ellen. ( The envelopes allow us to credit you for the donations that you give to the church, and allow you to deduct them from your taxes! For those of you who already have envelopes, you will find your box on the table in the back of the sanctuary, by the door. They are in numerical order.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group
Since January 2014, the Office of Somerville Commissions has facilitated a working neighborhood group of interested folks to learn and promote knowledge, skills, and awareness about restorative justice (RJ), circles, jail diversion, etc.
Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group met on March 6, 2014 gathering Somerville residents to practice any form of restorative justice circles: dialogues or conflict transformation; supported by the director of the Office of Somerville Commissions. The goal has been to build a network of practicing lay and professional residents for educating, learning, sharing restorative justice.
The first public event by the working group was held on June 30, 2015 at Clarendon Hill Towers with Adina Davidson facilitating, video equipment by SCATV, and a video by Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ). The group was made up of four youth leaders, a Somerville police officer, commissioners, a professor teaching and advocating on restorative justice and jail diversion as well as volunteers from C4RJ. The members of Transform Somerville Neighborhood Working Group participated as facilitators and discussion participants for the Health & Human Services Department’s month-long (nine event) series on race and racism in October.
The next public event will be to hold a public circle for participants to experience how circles work on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at the Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. The members of Transform Somerville are supporting with their attendance of events the Arlington Mass Incarceration Working Group for monthly events from November through Spring 2016.
Everyone is invited to attend – bring your family, friends and neighbors!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Dec 27, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: Discipleship
Scripture: Luke 2:41-52, Colossians 3:12-17

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Did you ever wonder about being a part of the choir? We practice 3 songs, from 9:30 till 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. All skill levels are welcome. If you are running a little late that’s not a worry; we should still have plenty of time before the service starts. Advent is a great time of year for music! Stop in before some service and be part of choir. Let’s all get ready and enjoy this wonderful season that will soon be upon us.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Christmas Eve Service

Please plan to join us today,

Thursday, December 24th at 4:00 p.m.

for our Christmas Eve Service of Lesson and Carols. Childcare will be available, and we invite you to join us for cookies, beverages, and fellowship in the Nave Gallery (next door to the sanctuary) right after the service.

The gallery Wrap Around Sale will still be set up, so you will even have a chance to do some last minute Christmas shopping! (All proceeds from the sale benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition.)

Dec 12, 2015 Announcements

Sermon: “Pictures”
Scripture: Luke 3:7-18; Philippians 4:4-7

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Help Deck the Halls!
It’s time to decorate the church for Christmas. After some coffee and conversation on December 13th, lend a hand (or two) to help us set up Christmas decorations in the church sanctuary and foyer. We have some decorations stored away, but we would invite you to bring anything you think would help “spruce” it up. We will play Christmas carols over the sound system!

Please remember to bring your poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary for the fourth Sunday of Advent (next Sunday, the 20th) and for our Christmas Eve service on the 24th.

Bringing Christmas to local families
For several years, CHPC has partnered with the Riverside (Somerville) Early Head Start to sponsor families for Christmas, purchasing presents for them. This year we will be once again helping two families and their children to experience a happy Christmas. Starting on November 22nd, please look for the mini-tree in the back of the sanctuary and choose one or more slips of paper with gift requests/suggestions. The gifts do not need to be wrapped, but they must be NEW. If possible, gift receipts should be enclosed with the gifts. Gift cards would also be welcomed, either for the items listed, or for local grocery stores. Please return your gifts no later than Sunday, December 20th. Please be sure to attach the tag to the item so that we know who it is for. We will collect the gifts at church and have a wrapping party during coffee hour on December 20th. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Rachel Huggins ( ). Thank you!

Christmas Joy Offering
On Sunday, December 20th, we will be collecting the Christmas Joy Offering. The theme for this year is: A Season of Faith. A Gift of Promise. The text is from Hebrews 10:23 – “For God who has promised is faithful.” God promised salvation – a promise kept with the birth of Jesus. The Christmas Joy Offering honors that promise with two faithful commitments: supporting church workers through assistance in their time of need and developing and educating racial ethnic leadership for the future of the church. But we can only keep these promises with your generosity. Please give as generously as you are able. You will hear more about how your gifts help others during the Mission Focus on the Sundays leading up to December 20th.

Christmas Eve Service
Please plan to join us on Thursday, December 24th at 4:00 p.m. for our Christmas Eve Service. Childcare will be available, and we invite you to join us for cookies, beverages, and fellowship in the Nave Gallery (next door to the sanctuary) right after the service. The gallery Wrap Around Sale will still be set up, so you will even have a chance to do some last minute Christmas shopping! (All proceeds from the sale benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition.)

Did you ever wonder about being a part of the choir? We practice 3 songs, from 9:30 till 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. All skill levels are welcome. If you are running a little late that’s not a worry; we should still have plenty of time before the service starts. Advent is a great time of year for music! Stop in before some service and be part of choir. Let’s all get ready and enjoy this wonderful season that will soon be upon us.

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.


Nov 29, 2015 Announcements

Sermon:”Perilous Times”
Scriptures: Luke 21:25-36

Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship after the service. All are welcome!

Helping Syrians
We will be collecting items to send to Syrian mothers and infants/children via a container on a ship, through the local organization NuDay Syria. ( At the website, under projects, you can find more information about containers. Examples of much needed items are clothes, coats, shoes, boots, new underwear and socks, female hygiene products, diapers, soap, powdered detergent, sleeping bags, blankets, soccer balls, stuffed animals, non-battery operated toys.
Food items needed include rice, flour, cooking oil, sugar, cans or bags of tuna, food high in protein such as peanut butter or nutella, energy bars, protein drinks, powdered and liquid milk and *always* infant milk in any form. All food items must be unexpired and in non-breakable packaging.
You can also get online and order items for containers from Amazon where you get free shipping and great pricing. We have a wish list there and it is very straight-forward to order from them.
Financial donations or full or partial sponsorships of containers are always appreciated. If you are interested in a financial donation, or have questions, please contact Ellen ( The last Sunday to bring in items will be Sunday, December 6th. The last minute deadline will be Thursday, December 10th.

The Advent Meditations are coming…
As part of our tradition at Clarendon Hill, we will be producing another booklet of Advent Meditations from members and friends of the church, based on the Advent season lectionary. We hope to have the printed versions on Sunday, November 29th.

Bringing Christmas to local families
For several years, CHPC has partnered with the Riverside (Somerville) Early Head Start to sponsor families for Christmas, purchasing presents for them. This year we will be once again helping two families and their children to experience a happy Christmas. Starting on November 22nd, please look for the mini-tree in the back of the sanctuary and choose one or more slips of paper with gift requests/suggestions. The gifts do not need to be wrapped, but they must be NEW. If possible, gift receipts should be enclosed with the gifts. Gift cards would also be welcomed, either for the items listed, or for local grocery stores. Please return your gifts no later than Sunday, December 20th. Please be sure to attach the tag to the item so that we know who it is for. We will collect the gifts at church and have a wrapping party during coffee hour on December 20th. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Rachel Huggins ( ). Thank you!

Pastor Allen Regular Office Hours
He will be in the church office during the following times unless called away:
Mondays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
1st and 3rd Monday evenings: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Rev. Fairfax is generally available for pastoral concerns or other church business at most other times as well, so don’t hesitate to contact him outside of these office hours.
Please drop by the church or contact him: 508-801-7294 (cell)/617-625-4823 (office),


– – – Upcoming Events – – –

CHPC Bible Study
Bible study meets at Porter Square Panera Bread every other Wednesday. For details on dates, time, place, and more information, please contact Kevin. (

CHPC Fellowship: Christmas Caroling
Our December fellowship event will be caroling, on Sunday, December 13th, after coffee hour. We will visit local members and friends, and warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards!

Christmas Joy Offering
On Sunday, December 20th, we will be collecting the Christmas Joy Offering. The theme for this year is: A Season of Faith. A Gift of Promise. The text is from Hebrews 10:23 – “For God who has promised is faithful.” God promised salvation – a promise kept with the birth of Jesus. The Christmas Joy Offering honors that promise with two faithful commitments: supporting church workers through assistance in their time of need and developing and educating racial ethnic leadership for the future of the church. But we can only keep these promises with your generosity. Please give as generously as you are able. You will hear more about how your gifts help others during the Mission Focus on the Sundays leading up to December 20th.

Christmas Eve Service
Please plan to join us on Thursday, December 24th for our Christmas Eve Service. Further details will be coming shortly!


– – – Deacons News – – –

Prayer Request Email
The Deacons are in the process of setting up an online prayer request list. This will be a closed group (to insure privacy.) If you would like to be a member of the group so that you can ask for prayers, and have others pray for you, please send an email to Ellen ( Once we have everything set up, we will share information about the group with the congregation, so that others can join.